Chapter 1

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          "No, no, see, he said that he was gonna jump us again if we came back to the same bar." Max heard Henry's voice speaking to the police on the other line. "Well do something about it, that's why I pay taxes!" He then drew the phone away from his ear and hung up.

          "You can't just hang up on the cops, Henry." Max glared at him from the back seat of the car they were in.

"Well, they weren't doing anything, man!" Henry looked over his shoulder and then at Delilah, who was driving.

"Guys, shut up, I can't hear the GPS and Hunter's knee is like...bleeding." She took one of her hands off the steering wheel to motion vaguely at the back seat.

Max looked at Hunter, who was sitting next to him. She had one of her legs drawn up on the seat. Her shoe on that foot was off, and her knee was busted pretty badly. All four of them had gotten into a fight at the bar, and Hunter had messed up her leg.

"Ow...guys I can see bone, damn." She dug her nails into her skin in an effort to ebb the pain away.

"Here, put this on it and press down really hard to try and slow the bleeding down." Max leaned forward and took off his sweater, tossing it at Hunter so she could catch it.

"Thanks, Max." She said through her clenched teeth as she grabbed his sweater and gingerly wrapped it around her leg. Wincing, she yelped softly as she began to tighten it.

"You shouldn't even be driving, Delilah. You've been drinking." Henry glanced at her as the GPS continued to give directions to the hospital.

"None of us should be driving, but I drank the least, and Hunter's knee looks like it got its first period, so she needs medical attention." Delilah retorted, not taking her eyes from the road.

Max sighed and leaned his head against the window. He was terribly tired, and hoped he could at least get five minutes of sleep on the way to the hospital.

Something then hit against his shoulder and he annoyedly opened his eyes, looking down and seeing a small red bouncy ball. Shifting his gaze upward, he saw Henry staring at him, he had clearly thrown it.

"What?" Max asked tiredly, blinking at him as he picked up the red bouncy ball and tossed it back at his friend.

"Hunter is in distress!" He said in a voice as if he were sharing common knowledge.

Max put his hands out in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows.

"What do you want me to do, stitch her knee back together?" He asked shortly.

Hunter laughed a little despite the obvious pain she was feeling. Max looked over at her and then smiled a little, giving a lighthearted breathy laugh.

"Seriously, Henry, I'll be fine. He can sleep if he wants." She said quietly, gripping onto Max's sweatshirt that was tied around her knee.

Max smiled a little and looked out the window, patting her shoulder softly.

"Thanks, Hunter," he whispered.

"Ruh roh," Henry whispered, looking at the passenger mirror. Max was about to ask what he was talking about, when he suddenly saw the blue-and-red lighting flash up on their car.

"We can't be stopped by the cops now!" He said in annoyance, "Hunter's leg is hurt!"

"Well, I can't just keep driving, they'll get mad." Delilah muttered as she pulled over to the right side of the road, stopping the car. The wailing sirens came to a stop as the cop pulled up behind them.

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