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I cleaned up the remains of gift wrapping paper from the living room floor.

It had been a fun day, but also an exhausting one. Our family gathered together in the same room was kind of a decrease of energy for both of us.

Specially Diane.

But her dad turned out to be the sweetest man I've ever met besides my own father. And her mom had come to terms that we were together.

Diane yelped from the kitchen.

That tiny sound was all I needed to know something was up. I ran to the kitchen, trash bag still in hand, eyes widened as I looked at my wife in terror.

She looked at me with equal terror until she started laughing.

"What?! What?" I said, still a bit alarmed.

"I think he just kicked." She said, laughing out loud as she reached for my hand to put it on her stomach, "Feel it. He's doin' it again."

"Oh my God. He kicks! He's a kicker!"

"He kicks, yes." Diane smiled.

I smiled, too. And cried a tiny bit as I felt the tiny kicks of my unborn son in my wife's utero.

Diane pecked my lips and wiped my tears with her thumbs.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

Diane bit her lip, as if searching a way to express the feeling.

"It's like there's a fish swimming inside me."

I laughed, and she did too.

"There's no specific way of saying how it feels. It's just odd."

Diane was now 34, I had just turned 26, and the baby inside Diane was 24 weeks old. We knew it was a he from the beginning, somehow.

And the spare room in Diane's house had turned into a nursery for the moment.

I was finishing up getting my literature degree and I had already published a 30 page poetry book called "Madame et moi". (Yes, they were a bunch of love poems I wrote for Diane. Cheesy, romantic poems).

The promise ring I had was now accompanied by a wedding band engraved with the day of our wedding.

"He stopped." Diane commented, looking a bit disappointed.

I pursed my lips together and hugged Diane, "He'll kick again." I kissed the side of her neck, "I'm so glad I didn't miss his first kick."

Diane hugged me back, "I'm kind of mad he stopped kicking."

I giggled, "He'll kick again." I insisted, unwrapping my arms from her.

"I know but it felt so cool!" She looked down to her baby bump and pointed at it, "Do it again!"

"What were you doing when he kicked?"

"I was drying the last couple of plates and talking about the presents we got today and how everyone's excited to meet him... and about Nicole and Sarah's pit bull dog."

"Shit. Maybe we have a dog person on the way."

"Hey! I'm a dog person." Diane slapped my arm playfully.

"Don't say that in front of the cat." I pointed at our now pet, Whiskers.

Whiskers meowed at us, that little grey creature licked his paw and then ran away from us, as if he knew we were talking about him.

Diane rolled her eyes and grabbed the garbage bag I had left on the counter. Then she threw it away before insisting she wanted to go to bed.

So we made our way to the bed.

I read my baby names list to her, and she listened.


Diane shook her head, "Too basic."

"You called our cat Whiskers." I raised an eyebrow at her.

Diane gave me a death glare.

"Okay." I sighed, "James?"

"Oh my God. How about Jamie?!" Diane exclaimed out of the sudden.

I giggled at her enthusiasm, "You're a genius. My wife's a genius." I pecked her lips.

"You really like it?" She smiled.

"I love it."

My blonde wife held my face with both her hands and gave me a skimmo kiss before actually kissing my lips with her own.

"I love you," she mumbled before kissing me again.

"I love you more."

"That's impossible." She pecked her lips, cuddling onto my side.

I put the baby list back on my nightstand and cuddled into Diane.

"I've been thinking of writing another book." I said, kissing the top of her head.

"You should! You really should." Diane sighed and then looked up at me, "I'm kind of frightened."

"About what?"

"About... being a mother. An old mother."

I frowned.

"I'll be 40 when he's 5. Hell, I'll be 50 when he's 15." She covered her mouth with her hand.

"So what?"

"I'll be like 60 when he's 20!"

"And that's okay."

"You'll be like 42 when he turns 15. I'll be like a grandma."

"You'll be his mom, a really hot mom. Nobody will care, Dee."

"I feel bad for wasting so much time."

"Dee, it's the right time. Trust that things are how they are because they're supposed to be. We are becoming parents right now because it's meant to be."

She usually had these kind of depressing thoughts (thank you, mood swings).

"Do you think he'll look like me, maybe just a little?"

"Dee..." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"He's gonna look like you... do you think he'll look a little like me?"

"That's why we chose the donor we chose, Dee."

And he did indeed look like Diane, at least the same eye color and hair color.

"I know it's stupid, but I just wished that biology wasn't such a bitch."

"I know. I'm sorry."

Diane nuzzled her face into my chest, "I wish women could impregnate women. We'd have the cutest baby, you know? He would have my nose, your eyes, hopefully your brown hair." She kissed my skin, "Well he'll be perfect, I just..."

"I know what you mean."

I did wish biology wasn't such a bitch, too.

"You know, I don't care if he doesn't look like either of us."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I'm just happy that we're getting to raise him together, as a family." I said, "I care that he's loved, that he's happy."

And he was going to be all of that.

"You're right. I just overthink."

"I know." I giggled, "You're already such a good mother."


"Yes." I kissed the top of her head.

"Lou. He thinks so." Diane laughed, grabbing my hand to put it over her belly where I felt a little kick.

"See? He loves you already."

And then Diane proceded to cry a little bit, and laugh, and cry.

I comforted her, then cuddled her to sleep.

Again, I was the happiest.

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