Chapter Two, Part IV - Galian

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After a while, with no sign of anyone tailing me, I slowed my plane and put my hand over my racing heart. Though I'd seen death before, I had never been so close to my own. I don't know why my brother was so eager to get out there.

I glanced behind me and saw I'd put a healthy distance between me and the battle. I had done as instructed, when it seemed like they were targeting me, I had escaped. Like a weakling.

An alive weakling, my inner voice answered.

I reminded myself that I was royal that I had a duty in case anything happened to Rhys.

But he was safe in Norose. So I really was a big chicken for flying away.

I was following orders.


"Damn it." I sighed, speaking aloud to quiet the internal bickering. There was nothing but static in my helmet now, a sign that I was too far away from the towers at Norose to hear what was going on.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I asked.

When no one responded, I slumped in my seat and banged my head against the headrest. I was still gliding over the blue ocean, heading north. I turned my ship to the west to head back to Norose—or at least get within range of the tower to get further directions.

What was my father going to say when he found out I'd turned tail and run? What would the soldiers think? Would they even be able to look at me?

"Rhys, anybody?" I asked into the static.

Maybe Father wouldn't be too pissed at me; Rhys had told me to leave. I could always blame him. Rhys wasn't infallible, but he seemed to get away with a lot more than I ever could.

I sniffed at the irony. I was more afraid of my father than being blown out of the sky.

At least, I was until I saw a glint of metal in the distance.

"Hey, who's there?" I asked, my voice less shaky than before. Static answered me again.

I squinted at the ship I was about to encounter and my blood ran cold.

They'd found me.

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