a normal day?

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Loud noises=☆….☆ 
Part 2?
Yes this is in first person
Warning cursing  

I opened my eyes to the beautiful sight of my husband bruce who was asleep right next to me he looked so tired form up close not you weren't but he looked to peaceful and relaxed poor thing.You turned around to look at the time and realized that it was 1pm holy mother of fuck. you got up with out waking up bruce and walked to the kitchen to get your self something to eat you had to go work even if you could come in at anytime since you owned the fucking place anyways,but thats not the point you were making yourself a coffee until I heard form behind me  "mama?" I turned around and saw dick who was standing by the door frame "hi baby, you need something?" He walked closer and gave me a hug "not really mama I just want a hug". Sometimes he forgets that he isn't a child anymore but I really don't mind it's cute. Once he let me go I  realized that maybe I  should just stay home anyways I mean I  really didn't have to be there today, so yeah I stayed home and went to the living room were jason,tim and damian were sitting and arguing about what to do since they were all bored. of course dick was right behind me  he followed me like a little duckling sometimes I guess today was one of those days. "Boys!" I said not really yelling but making sure that they heard me " good I got your attention now please dont argue". They looked at me for a second before they all said "good morning mama" dear god these kids are going to be the death of me "good morning my darlings."I said and went to sit on the couch next to Damian while dick went and sat in between Jason and tim. The second that I sat down Damian latched himself onto me. He was always so clingy with you. In all fairness I was the first to show him true mother's love since his mom was.....not the greatest. His brothers chuckled a bit when he grabbed on to you but I gave them a batmom glare. *Batmom* a title that the league had given me after I married Bruce and took in dick. I found it funny how they called me  that instead of my actual hero name. In a way I liked it since my kids loved it as well they got to still call me mom while on duty it was lovely. Me and Damian and Jason who had got up from his seat and sat next to me. Damian had just fallen asleep on me, jason was leaning on me, tim was on his computer doing a case and drinking a tea(fun fact cannon time does drink much coffee that something the fandom put on him) dick was watch some kind of romantic comedy which he liked and even if I didn't I found it funny how he was has so invested, jason was also watching it? I'm pretty sure he was just staring at the tv then Bruce came down. He looked less tired and more relaxed. He looked around and said "no good morning for me?" Dick without looking away from the tv said "good morning B" jason snapped back form whatever trance he was in "yeah, yeah good morning" tim looked up form his computer "good morning bruce" damian who apparently wasn't asleep answered "good morning father." "Looks like it's my turn, good morning love" I said. Looking at Bruce who walked over to an empty spot that was next to dick the one Jason left when he moved over to me. We were finally having a quiet family moment and then it broke like it always does Alfred came over with news that the  bat signal was flashing all over the sky.Well there goes my afternoon I thought as Bruce got up and along with me and Tim 

         ~AT THE BATCAVE~

Tim was sitting on the bat computer trying to figure out what was wrong.There were no alarms going off, no disturbance to the little peace we got in Gotham. "So Timmy was going on?" I said standing behind the chair he was sitting on "i'm not sure mama" tim said with a confused tone. Alright then I guess I'll go on a little patrol so check, you put on your suit and got on to (the vehicle of your choice) "timmy I'm going on patrol so check out what's going on tell bruce and the other so that they know where I'm going" I said look at tim who was turned around to looks at me " ok mama I'll tell then" I had a bad feeling about this but it is me job as much as it was Bruce's. 


I was on top of the building looking around,nothing other than a few muggings that I stopped but other than that there was no joker, no condiment man, no penguin, no harley and ivy, absolutely nothing. It was quiet…..to quiet "hey timmy do you hear me" you over the intercom "yup loud and clear is something batmom?" I was just about to answer him then ☆crack☆ I turned my head around "for fuck sake bruce you need to learn yo stop doing that!!!" "Doing what" he answered then timmy spoke on the intercom " mama? Who are you talking to? Bruce is right here" "sweetheart don't play with me like that I'm looking at bruce" 
Tim's tone changed to a panicked "mama I swear he is literally talking to dick right now" "what?" 

Yeah that about it I like the idea of doing cliffhangers once again I'm apologizing for my grammar and spelling please bear with me here love you all plz take care 

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