a normal day? 2

247 3 0

Warning cursing a bit

Right where we left of, 

☆loud sound☆

"What?" There was a pause as I looked at the person in front of you "Tim sweetheart you have a visual on me, right?" Tim was typing away at the computer "yes mama" "alright" ( keep in mind they were whispering) now I had kept in eye contact with the man in front of me, he looked confused? I had to speak up "who are you?" "I'm Batman, who are you?" "No! that not true batman is still in the batcave" he looked even more confused "what? How would you know that?" For fuck sake this little back and forth thing was starting to irritate me before I even said anything ☆thump☆ you turn to look behind you. It was your husband! How did you know? He had his wedding ring on and it was noticeable they looked at each other for a while. My guess is that they were trying to figure this out on their own….I sat back as I tried to figure out just what was going on. They were identical, Bruce is an only child, that's for sure is he a clone but who would make it? And how did he get bruce dna? I was lost in my own thoughts before I saw someone out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see what it was. I was still on the rooftop with my husband and the other man as I looked around I noticed a familiar blue suit yeah it was my son dick grayson that boy must of followed Bruce you jumped to the other building to see all four of you boys spying in their father "hey mama" dick said trying to sound innocent jason and the others has stood up from behind dick "hey kids…red? I thought you were watching the cameras?" "I was but Oracle is on that now" jason chimed in "so how is the guy?he looks and awful lot like the old man" "I'm not sure your father and him are way to similar form the way they talk and act I'm not sure what he is trying to do but I just hope he isn't a clone" jason looked over bruce and I guess bruce #2 were talking, they turned to look at me  and our  kids and Bruce signaled to me to come over so once again I told my kids to stay there and I jumped over to the other building "yes?" "We are going to the batcave and there we'll talk about this situation" I was confused "what?" He looked at me and said "I'll explain in the batcave" alright then fine I guess I'll know then you went your intercom and told you kids to head to the batcave they were equally as confused but did as they were told you got on (vehicle of choice) and headed back to the batcave the boy got there with their father well expect for jason he had his motorcycle 

         ~AT THE BATCAVE~

Bruce got there first along with tim, damian and dick I was there second and jason was last 

Y/n : alright bruce explain

Bruce: ok relax I will, so this man here is a alternative version of me 

Dick: come on B this is serious 

Bruce: I'm not messing with guys 

Damian: and how did you come up with that statement father 

Bruce: well he know thing that only alfred and your mother and I  know

Y/n:...I don't believe or trust this but fine, so you are Bruce right?

Bruce#2: yes I am 

Dick: really that's so cool 

Tim: That means the multiverse theory is right and if it is, how different is your universe from ours? 

Bruce#2: well for instance I dont know who that is *he point at y/n* 

Y/n: me? Well I guess that a difference

Bruce#2: From what I've been told from you Bruce, not much is different other than you.

Y/n: I see 

We continued to talk, Bruce#2 was talking to Bruce it was so weird to see your husband talk to himself well I guess there isn't much for me

I was with Oracle watching cameras and other things around the city Tim was also there but in one of the cameras we saw something that caught our attention

Y/n: you have to be kidding me….

Tim: is that how I think it is 

Barbara: yeah it Is 

Y/n: is that one ours or? 

Tim: nope that one isn't our because ours is over there 

Jason walked over as he heard us talking 

Jason: who? 

Y/n: he looks like dick doesn't he 

Jason:...mom plz tell me that we aren't bringing that one here too I can't have to of them here 

Y/n: sorry Jay but we kinda have too 

Jason: moooooom 

Y/n: now jason don't whine

Jason: ok mom

I went to bruce and bruce#2 

Y/n: so I think your kids are here 


Y/n: yeah I think we saw your night wing 

We went pick up Nightwing of course bruce#2 went along he had to convince his kid that he was fine and that yes it was safe. The rest of the day we got more and more of them a while later after dick Tim showed up and then Jason and then the hardest of all damian. Great now to see how this goes. We are not sure on how long they are going to be here and how that is going to affect their timeline or ours for that matter let's just see how this plays out…..

Yeah that part 2 I'm splitting this story into parts I'm not sure how many but yeah later on I'll make one shots, I hope you guys like this one plz leave a comment and vote in it thank you my lovelies plz take care 

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