three | question

3 0 0

-March 20, 2020-



———Today at 4:45AM———

so... uh, okay.

i'm manifesting self-esteem...

you're... a girl, right?

also, please don't take it the other way around-

i... i'm just asking, you know? like... i'm a woman too and yeah...

    Yes I'm a girl :)
    And dw, I'm not crept out so...

yeah, thank the walls you're not

and referring to my question, that was just intended to clarify... i swear i do not mean anything else

it's just...

i want to be friends with you.

and you know, i'm just a stupid introvert that's why i don't know how to ask properly

even so... can we?

———Today at 4:56AM———

sorry, i need to go back to sleep or else a haunting voice of a mum would kill me *insert human skull emoji*

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