A simple stroll_

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Alys was foolish.
She knew that, but she kept on anyway.

Meeting a man you met once in a park for an afternoon stroll didn't seem like such a bad idea if the man was easily the most beautiful creature you've seen in your short seventeen years of existing right??

She checked the time and saw it was a few minutes till two o'clock.
Taking a quick shower and putting on a short white dress as stated in the note her mystery man left her when they first met last night, she bounded down the stairs and bumped into her mom.

"Just going for a short stroll mom." she gasped, her body shaking with anticipation.

"Calm down hun, you can go, just make sure you're back before 7 o'clock dearie." Her mom said, pinching her cheek.
" Mooooommmm, it's okay, I'll be back soon." Alys said kissing her mom goodbye before bouncing out of the house.

It took her all of twenty minutes to get to the park.
Looking at the note again, it read:

My darling flower, a white dress for your golden hair
For us to meet under the weeping willow
Where I'll meet my beloved
I'll wait for you

She quickly scanned the park and saw him, a gorgeous figure in black, standing under the weeping willow tree at the edge of the park, towards the forest.

She breathed in relief and began making her way towards him.

"I'm almost here my darling!" She cried, paying the people in the park no mind as they gave her strange looks.

He said nothing, he just smiled and stretched his hand towards her.
She kept running, her dress swishing in the winds like the petals of a delicate flower, but to her dismay, she was no where closer to him than she had been seconds ago.

She screamed and called for him again, and once again, he said nothing.
He stood still under the willow, smiling that haunting smile with his hand outstretched towards her.

Alys became frantic, she screamed and cried out for him while people began to keep away from her.
All she was fixed on was getting to her love.

"Miss? Are you alright? " An elderly man asked touching her shoulder.

"No! Get away from me!! You want to take me away from him! I won't let you, I WON'T!!!!" She yelled, clawing at her hair.

The man jerked back, shocked. He picked up his phone and began dialling 911.
The call never went through.

Alys pushed herself from the ground. Half of her hair in her hands, her scalp bleeding.

She fixed her eyes on her love, lonely under the willow and ran.
She ran as fast as she could and as far as her legs could carry her, each second getting closer to her love.

To the people in the park, she was running into the forest which looked dark despite it being a sunny afternoon. No one bothered to stop her anymore.

"Oh my love, I'm here at last! " She exclaimed, finally getting to the shade of the weeping willow.

She smiled, her face running with tears, mascara and blood from her raw scalp. It was a beautiful disaster.

Her love finally turned, cupped her face with both hands and smiled a bloody smile, more grotesque than she had ever seen.

She stumbled back; " M-my love, you're bleeding"

" Of course not my pretty flower, this isn't my blood" He chuckled.
His voice was gravelly and had a slight echo at the end.

"Who's is it then?" She asked meekly, not wanting to offend him.

That was the last question she ever asked, and the last statement she ever uttered before her love grabbed her neck, choking her.

He slithered his tongue over her face and nipped at her ear, his tongue was cold as ice.

"So delicate, so soft... This might be our best meal yet." He laughed, now sounding more ominous.
His voice wasn't one voice at all, there were many echoing his words.

He pinned her to the tree and held her there.
Alys tried to struggle, but somewhere on the back of her mind, she knew not to.
He was her love, and she would be his.

Her last breaths were stolen from her blue lips by a kiss from him.
She found in her fleeting moments that the kiss was special and she was his for all eternity.

The police finally found young Alys' body at the edge of the woods after over a week, under the willow tree.

She was blue and her neck was swollen from someone's hands around her neck.

The strangest thing was that the police found no traces of anyone from eye witnesses or in the surrounding areas, and she had a serene smile on her face.


Hey guys!
This is my first time writing anything like this in my life!

I've always loved reading short horror stories and I thought I could share a bit.
I'm a first time writer so constructive criticism is welcome.

Show love y'all

Bye for now❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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