The meeting and falling

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Heyyyy so welcome to my new story! Okay Enjoy.


Jonathan' POV

I walked into the bank. I had to put money into my account and this was the only bank close enough with me having to go out of my way. I justed wanted to get this over with and go home. I was looking around when the door opened and in walked a buff guy. His head was shaved on the sides and he had Dark brown hair styled into a mohawk on the top of his head. He looked like a beach bum. Three more people came in after him. One really caught my eyes and he was taller then me. His black hair was styled into a mohawk and he looked Asian. He had piercing brown eyes and he was now looking directly at me. He smirked.

"Alright everyone if you could lay on the ground that would be nice. Moo collect their valuables" The Asian yelled. Oh my gosh, now he was robbing me. This day couldn't get better. The Asian whispered something to 'Moo' then looked at me before walking to the lady behind the desk.

"Hello Tabitha, It's monthly rent. May I have the money please?" He nicely asked as he handed over the bag. She took the bag and filled it up. The Moo guy had taken everything from everyone except me. It was weird and I didn't like it. Asian man came up to me and smiled.

"Would you please stand up?" I didn't answer nor did I get up. Wrong choice. His smile vanished and he repeated himself. "Stand up." This time it wasn't a nice question. It was a demand. I still didn't listen. He growled and yanked me up by my collar. "Thanks for ruining my fucking mood. Now everyone is going to die." He smirked as 'Moo' pulled out a gun and started to shoot people. I felt something wet against my ear and realized that it was a human tongue. I looked at the Asian and all I saw was the gun right before it hit me in the face. Everything went black.


I woke in a room with red walls and white carpet on the floor. where the fuck was I. I looked around. I was alone in the room and it was quiet big. There was a mini fridge and dresser opposite of the bed. There was a giant bay window that took up a good portion of the wall. I got up and walked to the window. The house was surrounded by woods.

"Well great." I mumbled. I looked back around and sat back on the bed. I sighed. I'm not even angry that I'm here. I'm just kinda confused. Why did they take me but kill all those innocent people. I ran my hands through my hair. I heard the door open and I saw the Asian man from before walk in. He looked happy again.

"Good Morning sleeping beauty. You may call me Vanoss. I am, as many people know, this towns Mafia Boss. I'm just gonna say, you should stay on my good side. Don't wanna hurt you again." He finished speaking and kissed my cheek. I was looking at him like he grew four heads.

"Why did you just kiss me? Why did you not kill me with all those other people? why bring me here?" I had so many questions but those were the one that was burning in my head. He smiled a kind smile. One you would think a Mafia boss wouldn't have.

"I kissed you because I can. I brought you here because I saw something in you and when I say something I mean that I feel you would make a good add on to this Mafia. That's one reason why I didn't kill you. Another reason was because I love the look in your blue eyes. Now come on. lets go meet everyone else. Just a warning though, If they hurt you or touch you, tell me. I will protect you" He held out his hand for me to grab. I took it hesitantly. I wasn't sure what to do but follow him. We went down a flight of steps and right into the living room. A large ground of people where there, chatting with eachother.

"GUYS, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Vanoss yelled and everyone shut up. He went from kind and warm to mean and cold in seconds. Damn! He looked at me and gave a small smile. It would of gone unnoticed had I not been looking at him.

"Introduce yourselves" Vanoss glared at everyone.

"I'm Basically" said the only black guy there. I nodded and looked at his face. he looked kinda upset as he was glaring daggers at Vanoss.

"The names Lui!" A man about my age said in a squeaker voice. I laughed and so did he. Lui then went back over to Basically.

"Wildcat" mumbled a man wearing zebra print pants and a cat shirt.

"Mini ladd" an Irish man said as he ran his hand through his thick curly brown hair.

"I'm Moo as you already know" There was the mohawk man on the other side of Vanoss.

"I am Terrorizer. I'm not in this Mafia. My boyfriend is so I just stick around." He smiled at Moo and kissed him. They had the type of relationship that I wanted. I sighed.

"Now if you don't mind Fag, we would like to get back to the business of burying our friend. Please leave." Wildcat, I think, Said. Vanoss tensed.

"What have I told you about using that word?" Asked Vanoss as he glared at Wildcat. Wildcat looked down.

"It doesn't matter. He is the one that made us lose Nogla. If it wasn't for him Nogla would still be here." Basically yelled. In the blink of an eye Vanoss had Basically pinned against the wall with feet off the ground. Vanoss was holding him up by his throat.

"It wasn't his fault. Do you hear me?" Vanoss asked and Basically simply nodded. Vanoss let him drop to the floor before looking at Moo and going over to whisper something in his ear. Moo nodded and Vanoss turned to me and grabbed my hand before walking out.

"Lets see the rest of this place shall we." He gave me a strained smile. He looked tired. All I know is that I would defiantly stay on his good side.


YAY! 1000+ Words guys. I'm so proud of myself. The next chapter will be up soon! ^_^ 


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