Nobody knows

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Hey so this is going to be in Evan' POV for the most part this chapter. We get some background. Love ya guys.


Vanoss POV

After showering to get the soot off, I sat down on the couch. Everyone was doing their own thing. Except Basically because Lui wouldn't let him walk around a lot. Most of us were sitting on the couches watching T.V or playing pool in the next room over. I sighed. I looked at Moo and smiled. He smiled back before moving over next to me.

"Whats bothering you, oh fearless leader?" he asked. I couldn't help but laugh. He knew how to make me smile. I shrugged.

"Have you ever thought 'I wish I was normal again'?" I asked. I don't know why but I missed the old us. We were more playful and more carefree. He smile softened and he nodded.

"All the time but I then again I wouldn't leave you alone with all of this. You are my best friend. You have been there through thick and thin. You worked everyday since you were 16 to keep a roof over my head after my parents kicked me out. We did this for a reason." He smiled and for some reason that made me feel 3000 times better then before. I smiled remembering when Moo and I first met. It was back in high school.


 I was walking down the hall. It was a regular Tuesday. Same old school, Same old classes, No TRUE friends. I sighed as I kept looking down. I was popular don't get me wrong but I haven't talked to anyone in well over two years so everyone just kinda moved out of my way. I ran into something. Well more like someone. I fell to the ground and my books scattered.

"I'm sorry" said the voice. I looked up at the guy. He was built and he had a mohawk with the sides shaved off. he smiled down at me and held out his hand. "I'm Moo and you are?" Everyone in the hall had stopped to watch the interaction.

 "Vanoss" I said quietly as he helped me up and then helped me pick up my books. This would be the start of a TRUE friendship.

*End Flashback*

"So how's that tattoo healing up?" Moo tilted his head. Jonathan had decided to sit on the other side of me. I smiled and lifted my shirt before taking it off. He took a look at my back and smiled at the wings. "They look fantastic! I want one!" he laughed along with me.

"I'll hook you up." I said and Terrorizer walked in.

"I'm not saying no but it better not be something bad." He said. I smiled more.

"I wouldn't allow it. Promise." I pinky promised Terrorizer and smiled more. Something touched my back and I turned around. Jonathan was blushing at being caught.

"Who is Andy and Marissa?" He asked looking at me expecting me to snap. Normally I would but I couldn't bring myself to yell at him or even in front of him.

"They are my parents. I lost them when I was 14 in a house fire. Everyone says I did it but I didn't. I loved my parents and they loved me but they didn't accept me for being gay. I guess thats why people thought I did it. Oh well. I meet moo two years later. We were best friends right off the bat. I was with him when his parents kicked him out and seeing as I had a job I just let him live with me. Then we started this Mafia gang and we have been successful since." I said as I put my shirt on. He quickly grabbed my hand and pushed it away before holding the back of my shirt up to see all of the tattoos. I didn't realize the stares from the others or the smile the grazed Moo' lips. The others have never seen me this nice. I've only ever let Moo touch me and if someone did touch me I always broke their hands.

Moo knew what was coming. I knew he did but I didn't catch the knowing look in his eyes as he saw the flower blooming right in front of his face.


Moo' POV

I saw the love happening, I should know. I have seen it with everyone. Mini and wildcat, Lui and basically, Terrorizer and myself, and even with Nogla before he was killed. All the guys were giving Vanoss a weird look because they have never seen him this nice. What they don't know is that he was not always as cold hearted as he puts on to be now. Only Moo and Terrorizer would know what he was like before this Mafia thing happened.


Well thats the end of this chapter. Next chapter will probably be in Moo' POV for the most part. It's more of Evans background and Moo' too. Sorry if it sucks. I'm quiet sure how I'm doing. Soo tell me by voting and commenting. love chu guys!


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