Chapter 24

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Nayeon's Pov
I suddenly woke up from my long nap when someone is continuously nudging me i open my eyes to see an ostrich i mean to see jeongyeon.

"Hey, were here"She said i just nod since I'm not in the mood to talk since my head is aching, maybe jet lag.

A minutes pass the airplane's were riding already landed on the ground.

"Lets go jeong, i'm sleepy"I said while holding one of my language even tho jeongyeon insist.

"Okay"She said and made her way, i just follow her while my eyes is roaming around, this place is really beautiful and i mean it!.

"Wow!"I said while my mouth is leave hang open, my jet lag suddenly disappeared when i saw how beautiful the nature.

"Hey jeong!"I exclaimed that made the people around looking at our direction but i don't mind them.

"Ya! stop exclaiming come here, you're embarrassing us"she said that made me pout.

Jeongyeon's Pov
  I stop walking when there's bunny suddenly exclaimed.

"Ya! stop exclaiming you're embarrassing us"I said while looking around since they started watching us. Nayeon pout, gush stop that you're so adorable lemme keep you inside my pocket, i feel like wanted to squeeze her cheeks until I'm satisfied but i guess were not that close if ill do that maybe someday.

"Stop that grandma"I said jokingly.

"Did i hear it right? you call me grandma!? how dare you"She said and ready to slapped my shoulder but she didn't continue.

"You're lucky that you're my boss if you're not ill smack your head ostrich!"She said and snake her arms on mine.

"Need something?"I said, she just shake her head while pouting.

After paying the taxi we directly go to our apartment which dad prepare it to us.

I gave nayeon the keys since my hand is full of luggages, thank god she didn't complain.

"Wow this apartment is bigger than our house"She said and run to couch.

"Really?"I ask she just hummed while comfortably laying on the couch.

"And the couch is so floppy than my bed"She said whole closing her eyes.

"Do you want me to buy you one?"I said, and i mean it i don't mind.

"What do you mean? Nah don't mind me, I'm already used to it"She said.

"Jeong, can you cook?"She said and look at my direction.

"Oum yeah, what do you want?"I asked her.

"Anything is fine"She said and walk towards my direction.

"Lemme get that things just cook ill manage this"She said and get the luggages with her one hand.

"Wow you're strong huh"I said and chuckled.

"Yeah, if you want ill carry you"She said that made the two of us laugh.

I made my way to the kitchen and
look for the ingredients, luckily i bought groceries earlier.

After getting the ingredients i started cooking.

After a minutes i turn my gaze at my back since i feel like someone is staring at me.

"Oh nayeon"I said she just smile at me which i made me smile back.

"Haven't i told you, you look hot when you're cooking?"She said that made me hide my face, i don't know what's this feeling is this what they call butterflies?.

"Oh, i guess you're really hungry now"I said that made her chuckle.

"Yes i am"She said, her stomach suddenly growl that made me laugh.

"Ya! don't laugh"She said while crossing her arms.

"Whatever grandma"I said that mad her sulk more.

(A/N: Have you seen guys? nayeon and sana? i think, they commented on jeongyeon Instagram post)

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