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(Yes I drew that bro. Yes that's Adeline. Yes I was heavily inspired by Kuki Shinobu's outfit cause I'm unoriginal- but please don't attacc me for that- and all credits go to Mihoyo for the outfit <3)

Adeline Dimidium had always maintained a steady, eloquent composition in front of everyone. She was so talented at keeping her emotions in check that it scared her. However, this proved to be as distressful as it was useful. While her stoic expression allowed her to blend into the shadows and made others respect her. On the other hand, many people had mistook her calm manner as cold and filled with contempt, which led to many disputes regarding her behaviour.

She had come from a commoner family, her grandpa was a Baron in society and his son had ran off with his wife to later bring Adeline into this world. A few months after she was born her father died from a disease, and her grandfather had found Adeline's now-widowed mother raising a child. Baron Dimidium had demanded she hand Adeline over to him, to which she directly refused. 

"Let me see the child. An illegimate woman such as you would deeply tarnish my image as the Baron."

"She's my baby girl."

A slamming noise resonated through the small hut that housed both Adeline and her mother. The woman trembled on the floor and slowly touched her face with her right hand. She had just been struck with the Baron's cane, it gifted her a concussion that could take multiple weeks to recover from.

The Baron had swiped his granddaughter from her mother while she was still in shock, and took off the piece of cloth obscuring the child's face from the golden view of the sun from outside. The Baron's face quickly reddened from anger as he looked at the child's physical features. Her face was normal for a baby, quite adorable in fact.

However, the true grey factor here was the fact that her skin had patches of skin where it appeared white in color, when she was a black child. The Baron yelled in disgust as he threw the baby across the room and into one of the corners of the hut.

"How could the heir to the Baron household be a child so hideous? Kill it immediatly and find a new, decent one! If I don't see that thing gone by tomorrow morning, expect the worst."

The Baron left the hut with a slam to the door and left with the horrendous note of a baby bawling after getting her arm dislocated from the crash, and a bleeding, now-unconcious mother inside.

Soon after, she had to abandon her precious child in an orphanage since she could never have the heart to kill her baby girl, as she negotiated with the orphanage keeper if she had any 'normal' looking newborns, she couldn't stop crying at the thought of losing her only child and never seeing her again. She kissed her daughter's forehead one last time before parting ways with a dainty baby girl with rosy cheeks and glowing brown hair in another direction.

That occured seventeen years ago.


Benjamin Lemberk was a Duke and was obsessed with a girl called Irene, after getting over his previous obsession with Irene's best friend called Claudia. He had admittedly done despicable things to both of those girls and felt no guilt after doing those things, since nobody had taught him otherwise ever since he was a child.

Keira Parvis was the daughter of the Grand Duke, or at least that's what everyone presumed. One day a girl called Cossette appeared claiming to be his real daughter. The only real way to know was because one of the girls needed to be able to summon a water spirit. The girl who was the imposter suffered the death penalty due to manipulation and deception to the empire. Keira's subordinate had turned back time so she could fix her mistake and prove to everybody that she was the Grand Duke's real daughter.

Lucas was the most powerful mage in the Obelian Empire. He had been the mage of the tower for a few hundred years now and had recently been interested in the affairs of a young girl called Athanasia.

Leilin Shan Candmione was reincarnated into another person's body, her soul got swapped with the woman she is now; Leilin. She is trying her best to avoid her unfortunate ending with her cheating fiancee and his mistress.

All of these people got reincarnated into the same family at some point.


Word Count: 799


Anygays, I'm still working on my original book that's my main priority, but this is just a little side project in case there are people like me out there who are obsessed with this family <3

- Author Sama

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