Comi con - Part 2

822 44 30

Trigger Warnings

Mentions of BDSM, sexual violence, choking, stalking, bondage, punishment, same sex partners...
And ALOT of other sexual activity


I felt my paranoia building throughout the two hours I was supervising the fans going from the end of the queue to Tom's table. It was starting to simmer in my chest, bubbling slowly as it weaved throughout my body, leaving me tense and my skin feeling tight.

Every time I looked up it felt as though Tom was quickly shifting his gaze awkwardly away from my direction.
He kept looking at me so much I felt I must have something on my face or perhaps a 'kick me hard' postick note stuck on my back.

As the last few minutes started to wrap up of the first session and there were only a few more fans left, Luke was getting ready for Tom to leave for a break, a guy barged to the front of the queue

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As the last few minutes started to wrap up of the first session and there were only a few more fans left, Luke was getting ready for Tom to leave for a break, a guy barged to the front of the queue.

"Hey?" I groaned out as I went and stood in front of him, blocking his path. The other people in the queue behind him now started shouting at him.

"Mate, there's others before you," I said firmly to him, but he wasn't paying any attention to me. He was craning his neck around the barrier to look at Tom.

He went to place his hand on my shoulder to push me out of the way. I side stepped grabbing his wrist, stopping him from going any further. He was now in full view of the table to the side of us.

"Mate! I told you! Back of the line!" I shouted at him.

He stared down at me holding his wrist, like I was the piece of shit and sneered at me.

He leaned down towards me and started shouting, trying to intimidate me into backing down.

"Get your hand off me bitch before I make you... Let me go!" He looked over towards Tom and his eyes softened immediately.

"He knows me! He knows me! Tell them Tom! Tom! I know you!"

Before I knew what was happening security guards tackled him to the floor, before hoisting him up and dragging him away to the cheers of the few people still queuing.

I looked over to Tom's table to see Tom stood, his hands on the table and a look of pure rage across his face. It was as if Loki was staring back at me, that terrifying angry sneer that only he had. Very intimidating and very fucking hot.

 Very intimidating and very fucking hot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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