Chapter 5

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Emma's POV

     Ever since we left the school i couldn't stop smiling. I had a great time with Justin. I know I had him sign a shoe, but I didn't have enything else. Did I mention we exchanged cell numbers? Sorry I keep jumping from one subjet to the next. I'm really surprised. Why would he choose me to talk to out of all of the people there? "Emma!" Nick yelled. I screamed out of surprise. "Don't you know to never disturb a girl when she's in deep thought?!" I said. "Sorry sis, just wanted to tell you that Brianna's here. And what were you in deep thought about?" he said.

"None of your bussiness."

"Being your brother, it is my bussiness."

"Just forget it okay!" I yelled at him and stormed out of the room. I walked into the living room where Brianna sat on the couch. "Hey." I said.

"So what happened?"

"Excuse me?"

'With you and Justin!"

"Well, we talked, I got his number, and that's really it."

"That can't be it! There has to be more."

"There wasn't."

"Are you going to see him again sometime? i mean, you have his phone number."

"Well, maybe. He has to call or text me first." She finally didn't ask anymore questions. Honestly, I didn't want to talk about my night. "Do you want to sleep over tonight? We can walk to school in the morning." Okay, maybe I wanted to talk about it a little bit. "Sure. I'll go pick up my stuff," she said "Be back in like a half hour." Once I heard the front door close, I sat down in a chair and let out a huge sigh.

     Before Brianna got here, I should probably put on a pair of sweats and a T-Shirt. I walked into my room and heard my phone buzzing. Who could it be? Brianna? Nick, telling me to get milk? Justin? I looked at the screen of my phone. One New Message it said. I pressed enter button and looked at the text. It was from Justin.

Justin: Hey had a wonderful time 2nite

Me: Me 2. So wats up?

Justin: Nuttin. Just wanted 2 talk 2 u

Me: Sweet :)

Justin: Do u wanna do something 2morrow?

Me: Can't. Got school

Justin: What about after?

Me: I'll c wat I can do. Just tell me where 2 meet u

Justin: K, details tomorrow, 'night

Me; 'night

     I put my phone in my pocket and waited for Brianna to get here.


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FaN!                                                                                         PeAcE:)

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