Chapter 6

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I know the first few sentences are rlly weird. I didn't know what to write and then this just appeared lol. I had to post that part. So. . .



FAN                                                                         PEACE:)


Emma's POV

     Hello people of the universe. You might know me as, Emma South, but now I am the crazy chick and my bff, Brianna Richardson, is the not so crazy chick. Haha! You must think I'm crazy. Yeah none of that stuff ever happened. Just in a really crazy mood. Brianna's here for the night and, you could probably guess this, all she wants to talk about is Justin Bieber. And, yes, I do kind of like him.  He's sweet, kind, and like perfect! I know that's the kind of stuff you have to look out for, but I just can't help but like him. "Emma!" I turned around to find Brianna looking through my phone. "Put it down!" I yelled. "Hmmm, a new message! Wonder who it's from."

"Brianna, please don't read it." I pleaded.

"No way. This is way to fun. Let's see, ooooh, looks like its from Mr. Bieber." She was really starting to get on my nerves. I got off my bed and grabbed my phone out of her hands. "Hey!" she yelled. I read the text.

Justin: Sry its so late. But I have a question

What am I supposed to answer that?! With Brianna here, I can't get away with anything. "What does it say?" Brianna asked. "None of your bussiness." I said annoyed. "Okay, I'll back off."

"So can I text him back without you bugging me?" I said with a little laughter.

"Depends." she said with a smile. I whipped out my phone and began to test Justin back.

Me: Nows not a good time. My friend Briannas here and she keeps bugging me

Two seconds later I got a text back.

Justin: Idk if this can wait. But I guess tomorrows not 2 l8

Me: Sry. talk 2 ya 2morrow?

Justin: Yeah. C ya!

I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Brianna. She was waiting for an answer. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." she said.


Maybe we shouldn't have stayed up so late last night. Trying to catch a bus at 6:30 in the morning was not too easy. I was sitting in History class bored to death. Reading out of a text book and sitting in hard plastic chairs isn't very fun. "Turn to page 263 and read to page 270. I will quiz you on this section tomorrow." Mr. Martin said. The class was annoyed with the homework and quiz. I'm usually a big complainer, but I didn't say anything. The bell rang and we all flooded into the hallway. Since History is last period, it made me super tired. Not the class to have in the end of the day.

I walked out the schools big doors and onto the warm blacktop. I could feel the heat coming off of it. To my right, I heard screams and turned my head. There was a huge group of girls throwing themselves at someone. I got a glimpse of the person. It was Justin. "Justin!" I yelled. He reconized me and pushed his way through the mess of people. He came over and smiled. "What's the important question?" I asked, maybe a little too soon. "Oh. . .Um. . . How about we get in the car first and then I'll tell you." He gestured to the wandering students. I nodded and followed him to his car. I hopped in the passengers side and he sat in the drivers seat of course. After he closed the door he looked at me. "What?" I asked confused on what was going on. "Can we skip the question for now and go get something to eat?" he said.

"Um, sure." I am so suspicious.

"How was school?" he asked.

"You sound like my father." I said smiling.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to make conversation. Unless you want to sit in silence for the rest of the ride."

"No," I laughed. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

I feel like he always keeps me guessing. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Guess I'll just have to find out later.

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