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Ivy Kepler - 13 years old, seventh grader, younger sister of August Kepler, curious, steadfast, dynamic, seeks knowledge and will not rest until she finds the answers, feels a connection to space because of her brother but is uncertain of her future herself, feeds off the energy and ideas of people around her and often adopts their mannerisms without knowing about it  

August Kepler - 20 years old, sophomore in college, astronomy major, very knowledgeable about his field but is too focused on his work to share a lot, will only cooperate if something piques his interest, first tries to prove Ivy wrong but soon is the first to learn the truth 

Dr. Leonard B. Fitzpatrick/Mr. Fitzpatrick - 29 years old, seventh grade science teacher and favorite of his students, the "cool teacher," astronomy buff, scientist who discovers the solution to the world's energy crisis but wants to use his findings to take over the world, does a good job of hiding his scientist side from his students, has a power complex

David Schmidt - 13 years old, seventh grader, brainy and nerdy, enjoys debating, likes to always be right and will fight for his opinions, kind of self-centered but will help someone else if they really need it, can be pigheaded at times, tries to make it seem like he hates Luke but really it's the opposite

Hailey Adams - 13 years old, seventh grader, straightforward and tells it like it is, for this reason she is the opposite of Sylvie but they roughly balance each other out, a lot like David where she enjoys getting into arguments but she likes the argumentation aspect better than the knowledge aspect 

Luke Olson - 13 years old, seventh grader, class clown, acts on his impulses, says whatever is on his mind, polar opposite of David but secretly admires him for his intellect and wit, tries not to let David know this fact because he thinks David will make fun of him

Olivia Rookard - 13 years old, seventh grader, very mature for her age, out of their whole group she is most like Ivy, idolizes and has a crush on August, favorite school subject is science because Ivy talks about it and August too much

Sylvie Carson - 13 years old, seventh grader, pragmatic and considerate, acts like the mom of the group, tries to be logical, likes to keep the peace and have everybody in agreement, generally a pacifist, most innocent of the group

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