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My name is ola gbenga, I am from the eastern part of Nigeria; my dad is from the eastern part of Nigeria, while my mom is from the western part.

My story started years before mom’s sickness began.
Mom is a certified chef, and she has been doing this business years before I and my brother was born.

She used to cook in the house of the oba of our village; the whole family loved her so much, and didn’t want to let her go.

Dad works as an engineer in the construction company owned by a wealthy man that lives two town away from ours.

Mom and dad met at the village festival 33 years ago; mom had followed one of her girlfriends to the villager festival.

According to mom, laila her friend was the most beautiful dancer of their time; everyone adores her dance steps, and men flock all over her. she was so beautiful that she could get any man of her choice, and the men weren’t helping at all.

She practice new moves everyday and wasn’t shy to show case the steps at the festival ground every year; soon the oba, and chiefs started inviting her over to keep them company and to dance for them.

That day at the festival mom decided to join laila and dance, though she knew she wasn’t as good as the notable village dancer, Laila.

After dancing, mom went to take a cup of drink when dad approached her, and they got talking, and before you know it they started dating. dad asked mom to marry her a year later, on the new year eve.

Mom said yes and three months later the two got married.
during the wedding ceremony, mr otunba, dad’s boss, came to celebrate with dad and met laila and couldn’t take his eyes off her.

According to Mr otunba’s statement he had just met the most beautiful woman in the world. laila was dating david, an importer, at that time.

Laila isn’t the type to settle for one man, she loves spontaneity, fun. she is aware of her beauty, and skill, so she was bent on making use of it to exploit men that couldn’t keep their manhood to themselves.

It happened that the same mr otunba was able to do what many men couldn’t do; he melted the almighty laila’s heart in one encounter.

laila froze at the sight of otunba, she let her drink fall from her hand for the very first time ever.

laila did everything she could not to think of mr otunba but all to no avail; she increased her level of non chalance, drinking, smoking, and partying around just so she won't think of him, but non worked.

The almighty laila thought she could get otunba easily, so she hung out at his usual spot, wore the most sophisticated makeup, and clothes, but non enticed him.

She cooked the most delicious meals, and took to his construction site, but he either rejected them, or gave them to his workers.

She gathered the mora, and went an confessed her love to him, and he rejected her. laila felt embarrassed for the first time; she has never asked a man out before, they always did the chasing and asking.

For the first time she asked and got turned down. she felt ashamed and so couldn’t leave her house for one whole week. soon the news that almighty laila asked a man out spread round the village, and people mocked her.

It is laila’s rule never to ask a man out, and she coached ladies to do their part which is looking good. she always believes that looking good and knowing your worth, plus carriage will always get you any guy you want, even those you can't possibly offer your dogs to eat.

Nature bent her wings, and taught her to take life easy. actually mr otunga was already in love with her from the very first day he set his eyes on her, but her too much drinking and smoking  kept him on standby.

Surprisingly laila changed; she stopped certain characters that doesn’t add value to her life. This time mr otunba approached her, and asked her out, and the two started dating.

Mom always told us this story to let us know that in life obstancles will always befall us, especially when we are doing the right things.

She always adviced us to be like laila who accepted her challenges, changed her bad ways and got what she truly wanted. Never give up, keep grinding no matter what, happens to be the moral of the story.

Mr otunba and lalila got married, and gave birth to three kids; they moved out of the country a year after their marriage, and left mom and dad.

Mom and the dad found it difficult to conceive. for five years my parents looked for children; at a point my grandpa started threatening to bring another wife for my dad, but he fought back.

He told grandma that he will never marry another woman, that God’s time is the best.

It was after seven years of marriage, mom finally got pregnant with twins; everyone was very happy that finally good news has entered our home. grandma called it double blessing.

they joy didn’t last though, as mom had mischarriage at the third trimester. The bigger challenge now came up; dad’s people started calling mom a witch, they said she killed all the children in her womb.

My parents are christains who strongly believes in God’s time, and the importance of waiting for him to balance and proportion everything in their life. dad never treated mom wrongly at first; he got her everything she needed, to stay comfortable, but what he never thought to do was to keep his family away from her.

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