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he said that mom was behaving like a mad woman, and besides his new wife was especting a child, and it’s a boy. mom begged him not to throw away their love, but he said nothing.

he said he wasn’t blaming mom for all that happened, and the numerous mischarrages, just that he needed peace. after throwing that bomb at mom dad stood up from his seat and left.

one day, two days, three days, 1 month, 3 months, and no one came for mom, not even dad; mom was too sad, and soon she became a shadow of herself.

mom sat on my grandpa’s old chair that was left at the verander each day, and waited for dad but he never showed up.

Uncle narrated that something strange was happening in mom’s life at that time too; normally people in that situation looses apettite, but in mom’s case she was gaining more apettite.

she ate like a pig, had cravings like a hungry lion. uncle later started becoming afraid, and questioned if she was pregnant, but she said no. turns out she was on her period at that time.

3 months later mom kept on complaining that her stomach was paining her; uncle asked if she had seen her period, and she said no.

mom went to the calendar and found out that her period was to come in a week time. uncle suspected it must be that her cycle changed.

the funny thing was that mom didn’t usually have painful period, so it felt strange; but who can tell, things changes.

Actually mom happen to be the only daughter amonst 8 men; 3 of the men are outside the country, and the remaining 4 are living in various states with their families. uncle uche is the first son, and happen to be mom’s favourite.

mom agreed with uncle; uncle decided to go and buy pain medicine for her to take; he came back 30 minutes later and fed her the medicine.

After feeding her the medicine uncle left for work; few hours later mom called uncle on the phone. According to uncle,  mom sounded so scared and in a lot of pain.

he jumped up from his office seat and ran back home; he said that when he got home mom stood with her hand on her waist. she was screaming and her body was very wet with sweat.

he said that he had seen that situation before, and that was when his late wife was in labour, right before his son was born.
he was scared to loose his only sister like he lost his wife.

the worst was that he didn’t know what was wrong with her; all he knew was that the situation calls for emergency.

he rushed her to the hospital, and the nurses came out and carried her inside the ward with emergency wheel chair.

as oon as they got inside the hospital, the doctor started asking uncle what happened, but he couldn’t explain. they asked if she was pregnant and uncle said no, and even told them that she was on her period.

immediately mom screamed and was pushing hard; it felt as if she wanted to get something out of her system. the doctor saw her, and told the nurses to help her out.

who know, there may be a miracle inside her” says doctor Benjamin

mom pushed and pushed, and immediately my head came out. uncle was scared because he hasn’t seen anything like that before.

mom looked normal like every other lady out there, so how comes? he thought
the nurses saw that and immediately stood her up, so that they could go into the labour room.

that very moment something happened; i jumped out, and nurse Eliza caught me. they then took mom to the labour room, cut her placenta, and cleaned up the both of us.

an hour later mom was eating when the same urge came and attacked her again. the nurses rushed to her; there and then  Anthony came out. my eyes were blue in colour, i was white fair in complexion, has a bold cross on my smile and i was smilling so beautifully.

Anthony on the other hand has a cloud covered eyes, and his hands were clapped together as if he was praying.

the doctor couldn’t explain what happened; both I, mom and my brother was healthy. it was strange, so they recorded it as a miracle birth.

why won't they, when there was no explanation as to how a woman carried children in her womb, and was still seeing her period; how comes her belly never increased in size, and how comes my eyes were as blue as the sky.

how comes my brother, Anthony had  closed hands; there were a lot of signs to show God’s hand was in our birth.

pictures were taken, and videos were made to show the strange birth, and strange kids.

mom and uncle were interviewed concerning everything; uncle narrated what he knew, and mom did the same.

" she said that he that know how to pathfind has located her and pathfinded her life”

she said that she cried, didn’t eat, drink, bath, brush, talk, or breath for 3 months; all she did was beg the child giver and bearer to crown her a mother, and he did.

she sang, prayed, and praised Jehova who made everything new in her life. she asked for one, but he gave her two beautiful miraculous babies.

According to uncle our birth made him rich, and our home popular, as reporters and individuals paraded, and did merry in our house for 3 months to celebrate God.

he said that a lot of strange things happened that same year, one of them being that his business did boom, and because of that he couldn’t let us go.

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