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for the first time we lived without criticism and fear of what might be done to us next. uncle wasn’t paying our school fees any longer, as we became the church’s responsibility.

I learnt much about God and how much he loves his children; I vouched to serve him with my body, soul and spirit.

in church we have these group of reverend sisters that usually visits, they were calm and reeks of the holy spirit.

I dreamt of being one of them; Father Tyson told me that they sisters are called “sisters of virtue”.

I informed him that I wanted to be one of them; I asked him what it takes to become like them. He told me that it is easy to be like them, but at the same time difficult. I was confused, so I persisted, and he explained more to me.

He explained to me what being a reverend sister means, what a huge decision it is, how I won’t get married to no other man but Jesus; he also told me that I should start by being obedient to mom, my elders, and God.

He also said that I should always study the word of God, attend bible classes without failure, and pray to God.

He said that I shouldn’t miss morning mass for anything, and also to recite the rosary.

He said I should learn to make God my confidant, my one and also Lord and personal saviour; he said if I did all that then I will be qualified to sit by the lord as his woman.

10 years old me was so delighted, I promised myself to do it; I tried hard, did everything in my power to see that I didn’t fail, and finally I mastered the act of holism.

Before I finished my personal training Father Tyson was already moved to his next place of primary assignment; so I couldn’t ask him what next.

That day we attended mass at the cathedral officiated by the bishop; after the mass mom went to greet the bishop, and I followed her.

he asked how we were fairing, and also how I love the contact lens he bought for me. I saw that moment as an opportunity to tell him about my dream of becoming a reverend sister.

He said it was still too early for me to make that decision; he promised that if in two years I still want to be a sister then he will take it to heart.

I was 14 years then, and honestly I am very sure of what I wanted to do; I still agreed and took up the challenge.

I had two friends at that time, and they made the journey easier for me; we prayed together, and studied the bible together.

Theresa and Melisa are twins, and for some reason they had the same dream of serving God; they were the perfect friends for my journey, so I decided to befriend them.

We had a lot of fun, partied, clubbed, danced, sang, and did merry, but all were in the Lord’s way. 

At a point Melissa developed a strange voice, when the voice comes she will start dancing and moving like a drunken man.

the first time it happened we were scared because we haven’t seen anything like that, so we rushed and called father obinna to come and help her.

when he came, we thought he was going to rush her to the clinic rather he let her dance.

He prayed and poured oil on her head, and then he let her continue speaking. From that day they started lecturing us on what happened and increased out teaching.

He said that speaking in tongue is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind; he also highlighted the other gifts to us.
He said that it isn’t an evil spirit possession, rather the Holy Spirit possession.

Honestly we all started working so hard to get one of the gifts of the Holy spirits.

Father Obinna allowed us to watch videos of ministrations, Passover, speaking in tongues, and likely videos of things and situations we might experience or encounter in the long run.

2 years later I went to Bishop Godfrey and announced to him of my unchanging desire to serve God.

He enquires if I was sure of what I am saying and I confirmed it over and over again.

He invited Reverend sister sabina to the cathedral; two days later she arrived at the cathedral. Bishop Godfrey handed me over to sister sabina for training.

Living in the convent was inititially fascinating; I was already used to the early morning awakening, chores, prayers, eating habits, fasting and others, so it wasn't a big deal to me.

It felt the same as me staying at the samarians home, the difference being that the reverend sisters weren't as friendly as the priests I stayed with.

I was able to cope because the training is like a continuation of my previous life. At home I could reject food and mom will look for something else for me to eat, but there at the convent I didn't have any option. It was either I eat what I am given or I forget to eat at all.

Mom wasn't allowed to bring me provision, and I got to meet her on Sundays alone.

The struggle was very high, but then I coped. I was used to praying with Melissa and Theresa, so it was difficult for me praying with other people other than them.

At a point I didn't have an option but to acclamatise to the situation and environment. I happened to be the youngest person at the convent and that made it double work.

I later made friends to three sisters at the convent, Sister Benita, sister ophelia and sister immaculata; they three were my roommates.

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