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"You are afraid of me?" My husband asked as we both stare at one another across the table, I felt my heart thumping rapidly biting the inside of me cheek

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"You are afraid of me?" My husband asked as we both stare at one another across the table, I felt my heart thumping rapidly biting the inside of me cheek. I calmly place my hand on the glass of wine take a sip. Neither of us broke contact the clink of the glass touched the table once I place it back down.

". . . I don't know." I answered because I don't what would anyone fucking do right now it's not like I can get the fuck up a leave knowing how hard we work and time we put in on our relationship.

I love my husband

He's the best I've ever had. He have been kind and passionate and most importantly patient with me. He does the bare minimum but and over the top.

"You don't know?" I watched his calm expression turn into a sour one. "How do you not know, it's plain and simple." He said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"I- I don't want to talk about this right now." I said and he raised an eyebrow while he was finishing the wine in his glass he looked at me.

"You never shut down a conversation before, so now I want to talk about it." He said this time his tone was stern.

"Eddie." I said his names followed by a sigh.

"Pearl." He said my government name as we both stare at one another.

"I feel like I don't know you." I started slowly. "Like when did you become a part of all this and for how long." I asked feeling weight added on my shoulders by the tension on this dining room. Eddie hummed nodding his head leaning back against the chair in a relaxed manner. Picking the fork up he began to eat the food I cooked for the both of us.

"I am sorry you feel as if you don't know me anymore. For a husband to hear his wife said that I must say it's pretty upsetting. And to answer your question." He became quiet as if he was lost in thought. "Ever since you've met me." He answered and I felt my stomach drop.

How in the hell did I not notice? Am I dumb?

I stared at Eddie with a semi surprised expression as he stared back with a calm one still waiting on my response.

"Since we first met you were already in the mob?" I asked double checking making sure he wasn't playing.

"Yes." He responded so quickly, placing his fork down.

" . . . How?" I asked a followed up question pushing my plate aside, I no longer want to eat. Eddie on the other hand had an appetite. I watched my husband chew his take before getting up from the head of the table coming to theaaacenter to take the wine bottle coming over toward me.

"How what?" He questioned me and I stared watching him fill my empty glass.

"How did you hide it?" I asked and he glanced at me.

"I didn't, you never poke your nose where it doesn't belong. I hid my work in plain sight." He answered and I bit my lip. Eddie strolled his way back to his seat while humming. "Still didn't answer my question." He chimed and I blinked a couple of time while he leaned back in his chair, becoming comfortable.

"Family car." I answered and he frowned.

"Hm, this falls on me then." He said and I just stared at his I don't recognize this man.

Why didn't he tell me this?
Why didn't he say his job is dangerous?
Why would you keep something like this from me?

"What falls on you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"This situation we are in. I can't get mad at anyone else but myself. What did I leave in the car?" He asked me and I felt the tension shift from an uncomfortable one to irritating.

"duffle bag." I didn't blink looking at him. "It's similar to our daughter's gymnastics bag. Have you not compared the two?" I asked being confused.

I'm confused about how I didn't not see no red flags at all, I'm confused how he hide the certain lifestyle from me shit and from our kids. Why would you insert yourself into that type of lifestyle the first place.

"It didn't cross my mind that the bags looked the same. I barely have that bag in the family car." He said going back to eating.

"I- it haven't cross your mind that one of us would have found that bag Eddie." I raised my voice a little, a hint of anger made its way into my tone.

"No because I didn't plan on having the four of us in the car yesterday Pearl." He responded and I squinted my eyes.

"We have kids, stuff will never be planned out the way we see it. What would have happened if Kabria would have found it?" I asked sitting up in my seat and he let out a sigh.

"I would have a talk with her." He runs his finger through his hair.

"How would you explain to a thirteen year old a bag full of different types of pill bottles and booger sugar.?" I cross my arms feeling my irritation grow.

"What was I supposed to do th-

"Could have taken that bag out the car." I answered quickly.

"I was working when you called babe." He stated.

"Could have left it at your workplace." I cut him off.

"Are you fucking dumb?" He asked and it became silent. "I said I was working. Meaning I am on the clock. I didn't have time to drop the bag off what the fuck did you want me to do? Have the two of you wait at the doctors for three hours?" He became irritated himself but his tone was as if he was talking towards a kid. I scrunch my face.

"Are you dumb? You could have left it-

"Yea because I can leave a bag full of drugs at the courthouse." He said sarcastically and it became quiet. The both of us stared at one another before he cleared his throat. "As I said before this falls on me. I'll take your animosity, I don't have a full understanding on how you feel but clearly this is going to be a big bump in our marriage." He comments as i was picking my food trying to build my appetite up.

"I have a question." I stated and he hummed

"Might have an answer." He said causing my eyes to shift from my plate to his eyes.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked changing the tone in my voice softing up.

"Because that would be foolish. My father and uncle always made it known not to bring work home. A man have to be very stupid to bring this type of work home to his wife and children. My wife and kids deserve the fruits of my labor; they don't deserve to see it." He said with his tone matching mine.

We stare at one another in silence. I study his face as he study mine, taking in a deep breath I spoke.

"So." I said putting my hand together trying to take in all the information I have discovered since yesterday. "This is how we make our living?" I question and he simply nods his head.


My husband is my husband
For better or worse.

My husband is My HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now