Chapter One Choice Of Ignorance

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I watched Eddie close as he hover over our son helping him out with school work. I carefully started to poor coffee into my mug as my eyes shift back and forth between the mug and the dinning room where Eddie and Edrian were.

I watched my son smiled happily at his father when he announced he got the answer on his little study guide.

I jump.


Forgot I was pouring a cup a coffee, I quickly place the overflown mug on the counter while setting the coffee pot down on the stove.

Taking a couple of paper towels that stood still on the cream marble countertop. I started to clean up what I spilled.

"You alright?" Eddie voice present itself catching my attention I look up while damping the cloth on me.

"I'm fine." I quickly said, becoming a bit frustrated with myself. Grown making a mess.

"You sure? Been a bit tense lately." He pointed out. Eddie grabbed another paper towel helping me out. I watched him falling silent for a minute. “Pearl did you hear me?” He broke contact from the paper towels he was balling up to connect with my eyes.

“Huh?” I tilt my head.

“You’ve been tense lately, I asked if you’re alright.” He spoke, throwing the paper towels in the trash as I placed my hand on the counter checking for any missing wet spots.

“I’m fine, just been in my head a little, that's all.” I mutter picking the coffee mug while cautiously taking a sip. Holding my mug with both hands I watched Eddie make his way over to me as he casually put his hands on my waist. I felt a bit of anxiety crept in.

“About what?” He asked and I mentall sigh putting one hand on his chest to push him away a little but he didn't budge.

"Can't I stress in silence?" I asked, letting out a small laugh easing my nerves.

"No. I prefer for you to not stress at all. Is it about the talk we had yesterday?" Eddie asked as we shared eye contact. I could see and hear the concern he displayed.

"Eddie, I don't know if I should be mad at you or something. You touching on me is not helping me." I voiced my thoughts but didn't feel his hands move. I pushed my hand against his chest more firmly but yet still no movement came from him. The two of us became quiet holding a stare. Breaking eye contact I looked towards my left out the window staring at nothing but the land and trees we own.

“We can just ignore what happened and keep living our lives regularly.” He suggested which snap my eyes back to him.

“Ignore? Edel.” I raised my voice a little while saying his government. “What just happened yesterday? ” I remind him and his calming expression went to an irritated one. He broke eye contact looking toward our son Edrian which I did as well before we focus back on us.

“It was regular when I didn’t know.” I soften my voice but held a stern glance at him.

“Ignorance is bliss.” He stated and I rolled my eyes.

“Not when you lie for years on out.” I moved myself out from his grasp to pick up my coffee mug making my way out the kitchen giving Edrian a kiss on his forehead.

I made my way upstairs to Kabria room, our first child. She my spoiled little baby with a passion for gymnastic she’s been praticing since she was a baby but started to eneter competions around six or seven. She's thirteen now.

Knocking on her door before entering I see her in the center of her room doing an handstand before looking over at me blessing me with smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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