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 We sat waiting in the room for almost 10 hours. Doctor's came and went, trying to reassure us that everthing was going smoothly. The last time, which happened to be the 12th time, the doctor had told us that he had stopped breathing on the table, but they were able to restore his pulse. Liam, and Jess were by my side the entire time, both only leaving to go grab themselves something to eat.

 They came back about an hour later with a plate for me, but I couldn't eat. I was worried sick just sitting him, not being able to help him when he was most vulnerable.

 "Tell me exactly what happened." I whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Liam gave me a pleading look, but I kept pushing. "I know what was wrong with his heart, and I knew he needed surgery."


 "Just tell me what the hell happened!" I shouted, earning some looks from the crowd.

 "We were talking about you after you had left. Jess came down to the kitchen saying that he didn't want to live with Harry anymore, but then he ran back up to his room. Harry followed him, and the next thing I knew he was falling down the stairs." Liam explained. I took a sharp inhale of breath, but right now, it felt as if I was inhaling straight poison.

 "He fell down the stairs?" I questioned, not picturing the actual event. Liam just nodded his head, offering me a bite of mystery meat, a sleeping Jess on his lap. I wiped my hands over my face, laughing at the small gesture that Harry does sometimes. After about another hour, the doctor had came to find us.

 "Styles?" He announced, Liam taking hold of Jess, and following me to the short, blonde man.

 "How is he?" I asked quickly, crossing my arms in frustration because he didn't answer me that second. I don't care what other patients he has, or other surgeries. I just want to hear that Harry is fine, that he will be walking home without a scrach so I can head back to my house, and pack my bags for Florida.

 "We'd like to speak only with immediate family." The doctor explained. Both me, and Liam looked at each other. His mouth opening before I could even think of an answer.

"Yeah, well, you've got his brother and his wife, so get on with the results." Liam's arms were crossed against his chest, the outlines of his muscles becoming promenade. Jess was asleep in his arms, the cross of them only aiding Liam in carrying the boy.

 "Mr. Styles had develpoed an infection from the last visit. I heard there was an incident with an IV..." The doctor trailed. Of course. Last time we were here was when he was shot. I'm not sure on why, but I do remember him ripping the needle from his arm, only to put it back into his hand. His nurse said something like this would happen, but then again, it couldn't have happened to a more stubborn man. "The infection had reached his heart, causing it to give out on him, so we speak."

 "So, what's going on, doc?" Liam questioned. "Will he need a translpant or something?"

 "He will eventually, but for right now, we are going to hold him for observation. I've given the pharmacy on file the prescription. He's going to need to be monitored around the clock, so please make sure someone is with him at all times."

 There goes Florida.


 She was standing there with her hair blowing in the wind. She looked absolutely beautiful in my mother's white gown. She had always told me that Janissa would end up in it one way or another. The waves crashed behind her, and a small had taken over her face.

 "I can't believe this." She laughed. I smiled as I took her into my arms, watching her enjoy the view, as did I, but the waves weren't what captured my attention.

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