chapter 3

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Cheerleading practice was horrible. The coach made us run at least 3 miles, and I'm not a big fan of running. I couldn't wait until it was over. After cheer practice, I went into the locker room and got changed into a black bikini. I really liked this bikini, and it looked really hot in it. I snuck into the pool, and was finally where I belonged. 

After I swam for a bit, I popped my head out of the water and was startled to see Ryujin standing there. I noticed her eyes were on my chest, and I smirked. 

"I didn't mean to s-scare you. I'm really sorry." She stuttered nervously managing to get her eyes off my chest. 

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." I reassured her. 

I had a really good idea, and once I get an idea in my head I usually just go with it, but I wasn't so sure. I pondered the idea in my head before going with it. 

"Come here." I couldn't keep the smirk off my face. 

Ryujin walked a little bit closer to the edge. "What? It's time for dinner and we better not be late... My mom will get so mad." 

"This will only take a second. I just need to show you something." I was trying to hold back my giggles. 

"What is it?" She said moving to the edge. 

I pulled her in the pool. 

She popped her head out from the water and splashed me. 

"I cannot believe you just did that." I could tell she was trying not to smirk. 

"Oh really now?" I splashed her a few times. 

"You're so lucky I didn't have my iPod with me, otherwise I would have killed you." she couldn't keep the smirk off her face any longer. 

Before I could even respond to that, she splashed me again a couple of times. 

"Oh.. Now it's on." 

I splashed her a few times before she swam away, I chased after her and caught up to her in a matter of seconds. See, there's a lot of advantages to being a swimmer. 

I grabbed her waist from behind and giggled. 

"You didn't think you'd get away that easily did you?" 

"Well actually I kinda did... You're a cheater! It's not fair that you're a swimmer." she pouted. 

Her pout was unbelievably adorable. It gave me butterflies. No one had ever given me butterflies before, but she does. 

"Are we going to stay like this forever?" She asked. 

I guess I must have been zoning out, I didn't even realize my hands were still on her waist. A part of me didn't want to let her go, but I did.

"S-sorry." I felt my cheeks get a dark shade of red. 

Ryujin made me nervous, and I don't even know why. I've never talked to her until this day, but I feel like I could tell her anything. I've never felt like I could do that before. 

"Aww did I make someone blush?" She teased me. 

If it was possible, my cheeks would have gotten more red at this moment. 

"You wish." I stuck my tongue out at her. 

"Who were you day dreaming about anyways?" She smirked. 

You. I was daydreaming about you, but of course I would never say that. I have like this little school girl crush on her... 

"Mr. Jungkookx our english teacher." I joked. 

She burst out laughing. "Ewww! You're gross!" 

"I'm kidding! That's just eww." 

"Uh-huh. I'm sure you were dead serious." she taunted before splashing me again. 

"Now you're really going to regret that." I smirked. 

She tried to swim away again, and I let her get a head start before chasing after her. Once I caught up to her, I swam in front of her and smirked. 

"How do you do that?" She pouted again. 

"Skills." I smirked before dunking her head underwater. 

"You could have killed me!" she exclaimed jokingly while smirking. 

"Oh yes, because you can't hold your breath underwater for 10 seconds, my bad." I teased her. 

I liked teasing her. It was so cute the way she smirked and the way she pouted... she just made my heart melt. I've never really acted this way before with someone.. I was acting myself. I usually just don't trust people... People always leave... 

"Well excuse me, I'm not an amazing swimmer like you!" 

I felt my cheeks get red again. Dammit, what is with this girl and making me blush? 

"Well that's true..." I smirked"Aww look! You're blushing again!" 

"Shut up! I am not!" I splashed her 

"Hey now! You can't splash me for saying the truth." She had the biggest grin on her face. 

"Yes, yes I can." I splashed her again 

She splashed me back, and I splashed her back. It was like this for about 10 minutes, before she tried swimming away again. Tsk tsk tsk, doesn't she know by now that I'm faster than her? I swam in front of her again and wrapped my arms around her waist. We were face to face and just centimeters apart. 

"You should know by now you can't get away from me." I said softly looking into her eyes. 

"Well I can only try." She said so quietly, it was almost like a whisper. She was looking into my eyes as well. 

"Pfft, you know you don't want to get away from me." I tightened my grip around her. 

I looked at her lips, and had the urge to kiss her. I think she wanted me to kiss her too, but I wasn't sure. For all I know, she could be straight. 

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." 

My eyes met hers again. 

I really really wanted to kiss her. I haven't even had my first kiss yet. Yes I know, I'm 18 and I haven't had my first kiss yet. I've never dated any guys well obviously because I like girls, but no one knows that. So I really haven't had an opportunity for a first kiss yet, until now. The time felt right. but I decided not to. 

"We better go... Don't want your mom to get pissed." 

"oh yeah shit... We completely lost track of time." 

As much as I didn't want to, I let go of her and we got out of the pool. She was shivering, so I wrapped my towel around her and we made our way back to her house.

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