Chapter 8

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I woke up early this morning, and rolled over. Yeji was still sleeping. She looks beyond adorable when she's sleeping. I look down at the floor, to find Ryeji sleeping. Yesterday, was amazing. I still can't get the image of Yeji naked out of my head. I still can't even believe I saw Yeji naked. I've never felt so much lust for someone before. 

I kissed Yeji on the cheek before getting out of bed carefully. I didn't want to wake her. After I showered, I walked out to find Yeji was awake. I was only in a towel.... 

"Morning sexy." she smirked. 

"I didn't think you'd be awake yet..." 

"It's okay, you look hot in just a towel. But..." she stopped mid-sentence before getting up. She walked over to me, and had that wonderful smirk that I love on her face. I had a feeling she was up to no good, and my feeling was dead on. 

"You'd look even hotter with out no towel on." she continued, before pulling down my towel. 

I cannot believe she just did that. 

I pick up my towel and glare at her. "Not funny." I pouted. 

"It wasn't meant to be funny. I just wanted to see the sexyness." she said, before kissing my cheek. 

I felt myself blush. Dammit. How the hell can I be mad at her when she's so adorable? 

She started to walk towards the bathroom door, to take a shower, but before she went in she turned around and smirked. 

"By the way, you definitely look way hotter without a towel." she winked before going in. 

My heart skipped a beat, and I got butterflies. She always does this to me. 

I rummaged through my closet, looking for my favorite shirt. Finally, I found it. It was a band shirt of course. It was my favorite band Paramore. I got this shirt when I saw them in concert. I put on some blue skinny jeans and my converse. Woo, I'm not wearing all black today. While I was in the process of doing my hair and makeup, Yeji came out. She was wearing a black crop-top, and some short shorts. She put a black sweatshirt on over it.

"Wow, I really love the shirt you're wearing under." I giggled. 

"Of course you do." she smirked. "It makes my boobs look nice." 

I can't disagree with that. 

After we were both done getting ready, we made our walk to school. Usually we go our separate ways, but today Yeji stopped me. 

"Do you... Think it's okay if I hang out with you?" 

I thought she'd never ask. 

"Of course it is." I smiled warmly at her. 

We went to go find Winter and Chaeryeong . They were by Winters locker. 

"I hope you don't mind if I hang out with you guys." Yeji said, looking at Winter. 

"Ehh, you're not so bad." Winter grinned at her. "It's fine with me." 

"It's fucking freezing." I say, shivering a little. "Is anyone else cold?" 

"I'm not." Yeji took off her jacket and handed it to me. 

My eyes made their way down to her chest. Bad eyes. That top just looks so hot on her, then again, anything looks hot on her. Nothing looks hot on her as well. I prefer nothing though. 

I put on her sweatshirt, and the bell rang. Wearing her sweatshirt made me so happy. 

Yeji walked me to my class, and grabbed my hand before I went in. 

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