Get lost.

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Charlie had entered the music block, his heart rate picking up the more steps we went with.


Charlie's heart rate had got to it breaking point. Why won 't Ben just leave him alone?

Charlie had finally turned to see Ben's face, it looking as if there were a mixture of emotions.




And worse of all, control.

Ben knew that Charlie needed him, and he wouldn't think so otherwise.

 " You're wearing a coat? It's not even that cold. " said Ben. He couldn't help but smirk, even though this comment had no affect on Charlie .

Charlie was having none of it though.

 "It's February."

Ben scoffed and responded.


Charlie just wanted to get out there, he would do anything just to get Ben's eyes of his face.

"What do you want Ben?"

Ben took a step forward and touched Charlie's arm, but to his shock, Charlie moved backward. Was this the same vulnerable kid that Ben had approached a couple months ago?

 "God, what is your problem? I'm just trying to be nice."

Charlie felt slight anger to this comment.

 "I said I didn't want to meet up anymore."

 Ben took another step forward.

 "Well, i don't believe you."

Charlie couldn't help it say his thoughts out loud.


 "Your clearly just scared of getting caught"

Charlie was taken aback. How did this even make sense? Did Ben forget that Charlie was outed already?

 "Why would I be scared of getting caught," went on Charlie. " Everyone in school already knows I'm gay. You're the one scared of getting caught. You can't even LOOK at me when there's other people around. "

Charlie's voice started rising, rage pouring freely in his voice.

Charlie continued.

"Not to mention the fact you have the girlfriend. Thanks for telling me... oh wait, you didn't."

Ben was slightly shocked, but he still has a response.

"Don't get angry at me for not wanting to come out yet!"

 Charlie couldn't help but let out the most over exasperated scoff in the whole universe.

"I 'm not angry about that. If you're figuring stuff out, fine, take your time. I would've been there for you. don't it think I would understand you trying to figure out you're sexuality? "

Ben interrupted Charlie at this moment.

 "Then why are you angry at me?"

 Charlie couldn't date let Ben take his moment, so he made himself the main speaker once again.

"I'm angry because you've never slightly cared about my feelings! We only meet up when YOU want to. Where YOU want to. Whenever you feel like kissing a boy. You don't care about me at all."

 Charlie, feeling relieved that he unloaded all of that on Ben, felt a little bit overwhelmed.

Ben was angry. How DARE Charlie speak to him like that! He thought of a response.

Heartstopper (But bad)Where stories live. Discover now