First Meet Pt.1

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(Quick A/N Bunzo is Non-Binary in my AU)

Bunzo was sleeping peacefully in their hole until they heard the mini Huggies scampering bellow them loudly making them wake up, pissed.

Bunzo: Ugh...what the fuck. It's like those little shits are only active when everyone's trying to sleep.

As they tried to go back to sleep the mini Huggies started to mess with Bunzos' controls making the cable holding them go crazy, causing Bunzo to freak out and drop their cymbals.


(A/N Ok I'm just gonna name the mini Huggies. I'll have a little guide to their names, and I know the wiki says they're male but some of them are female in my Au so shut up)

Sex: Male
Name: Zack

Sex: Female
Name: Kat

Sex: Male
Name: Drake

Sex: Female
Name: Alice

When Bunzo yelled at the little Huggies it caused them all to jump in a panic and Zack to hit the button that made Bunzos cable lose control making Bunzo fall to the ground


She slapped him

Zack: OW! Well sorry, I didn't know that would happen.

While Alice and Zack bickered there was a low growl near them.

Kat: GUYS SHUSH! Did you hear that?


Drake: What was that?!

Kat: I-I don't know but I don't want to find out.


Alice: RUN!

The mini Huggies all ran out of musical memory so quickly they didn't notice Drake falling behind.
Bunzo, seeing the Huggies run out of the room got confused.

Bunzo: What the hell?

Bunzo got to their knees and began to look around for their cymbals but strangely they were nowhere to be found.

Bunzo: What?...that's impossible.

Just then Bunzo noticed one of the Huggies, Drake lying on the ground *Maybe him or his crack head siblings know where they are* they got up and hopped as fast as they could towards him, picking him up by his feet and hauling him up letting him dangle, unfortunately for the little Huggy he wasn't facing Bunzo.


Bunzo was caught off guard but then they decided they should probably turn him around so he faced them.

Bunzo: Calm down! It's just me, Bunzo!


Bunzo: *Sigh* Whatever just tell me where my cymbals are.

Drake seemed confused just staring at them.

Drake: What are you talking about? Aren't they where you dropped them?

Bunzo: No! Where are they?!

Drake: I don't know ok?! I was just running out with my siblings after we heard something growling.

Bunzo: *Confused* Growling? I didn't hear anything like that.

Drake: Well neither me or any of my siblings have them so just please put me down.

Bunzo: *Sigh* Fine, guess you guys don't have em I'll let ya go.

They dropped Drake and let him scurry away but after he left Bunzo heard a loud crash behind them, as they turned around they shouted;

Bunzo: WHO'S THERE?!


Bunzo: H-Hello? Mommy? Cat Bee?

There was a shadow that loomed over Bunzo making the rabbit freak out. They swallowed and turned around slowly and looked up with their mouth gaping.

Bunzo: Oh...My...God

There was a creature standing on its hind legs tilting its head as if examining the little rabbit. Bunzo was shaking intensely and breathing heavily wondering what the thing above them was going to do to them. They slowly began to take small steps backwards until turning around and booking it to a small hole they knew was big enough for them to fit in. Bunzo didn't look back they just kept running. They could hear the thing behind them hearing thunder like tapping behind them but just as they hit the stairs the cable reached its limit and Bunzo fell forward hitting the ground hard. They desperately started crawling away trying to just get a few more steps but it was hopeless and they started to freak out more. But then they felt something warm against their neck and they pulled their ears over their eyes and started shaking, fearing for their life. Pj got closer to the rabbit as it shook in fear. He began to think to himself. How would he calm the little rabbit down? Just then he thought of something, something Huggy had taught him; if someone was scared just give them a hug. Pjs legs were to short to wrap around Bunzo so instead he just wrapped his body around them like a snake not too tight so that they could breathe but tight enough so they couldn't slip out too easily. But the rabbit started to panic and squirm around. Pj got closer, but they kept trying to push the coiled fur off of them, desperately trying to break free. Pj decided that maybe they should go just a little tighter. If they escape they could get them both tangled in the cable on their back. But Bunzo continued to panic, and started hyperventilating and shaking. They were having a panic attack. Bunzo started to stop struggling, in fact they stopped moving in general. They've passed out.

Puppy Love(A Bunzo x PJ Story)Where stories live. Discover now