Chapter Seven: The Extermination

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Cooter slowly brought a hand up to his forehead, wincing in pain as he did. He pressed the heel of his palm into his brow, his head pounding, working to push himself up. After some effort, he fell back into the dirt, cringing as colors flashed behind his eyes, but fluttered them open to look at the lightening sky. He groaned, running a hand over his face and pushing himself up again, this time making it to his knees. All the while, he stared up at the sky.

He shook his head, dropping his gaze, a lump rising in his throat. After a few shaky breaths he turned his face upwards towards the heavens once more. Tears smarted in his eyes, lone droplets beginning to roll down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled to the sky, searching the fading stars for answers, "it shoulda been me, I'm so sorry..." His voice broke a little and his eyes dropped to his knees in the dirt. "I don't know why I thought it was a good plan, it wasn't, I'm an idiot...."

Cooter's gaze drifted to his tow truck, his brow furrowing, and he quickly wiped his face free of tears. He hauled himself to his feet and walked over to the truck, grabbing his shotgun from the front seat. "But, I know how to fix it." He pumped the action, starting towards the direction of the scrapyard.

Not even a moment later, he heard the steady rumble of an engine and the honk of a horn. Determined, however, he didn't even turn to see who it was. The car rolled up beside him, coming to a stop for the driver to climb out, but he kept walking.

The driver came running after him, leaving the car to follow behind. He was steadily out of breath, panting to keep up with Cooter's brisk gait.

"Cooter! Cooter, wait!" Rosco exclaimed, struggling to keep up.

"I ain't got time for this right now, Rosco!" Cooter snapped back, not turning to look at him.

"There's four cars comin' down, now, I know it ain't much but I convinced 'em to come down here, didn't I?"

Cooter slowed to stop and froze where he stood, slowly turning to look at him. "You... got the police to come here?"

"Yeah..." Rosco's voice trailed off, growing skeptical of Cooter's tone, "that's what you wanted, right?"

Cooter nodded. "Yeah, yeah, that's what I wanted, just can't believe you actually managed to pull this off."

Rosco raised an eyebrow, looking past him towards the approaching line of Defects at the gate of the scrapyard. "Wh- ah... what're you doin' up here if they're all down there?"

Cooter sighed and rubbed his jaw sorely. "It's a long story and I ain't got time to explain it to ya right now." He readjusted his hold on his shotgun. "Let's just get down there and get Bo and Luke outta this mess, then we'll all get to talk. How about that?"

Rosco shrugged and pulled his pearl-handled pistol out of its holster. "Still feels like I missed a whole lot but sure."

Cooter rolled his eyes, casting one last glance towards the light-gray heavens before starting back down the ridge towards the scrapyard, Rosco and the Black Maiden following.


Seeing the others roll up to the front gate was nerve-racking, however, General persisted. Bear and Caddie stuck close behind him as he rolled out. He could see the fires of Hell in the eyes of the Prescotts and the other men. As they drew close, Bear rolled up to whisper to him.

"Remember, their names are Catherine and Jude Prescott. Talk to Catherine first, Jude will shoot first and ask questions later," he instructed.

General nodded and revved his engine, which he soon found to be a good idea as the men grew nervous and Jude immediately pulled Luke towards him, holding his gun on him. One of Boss Hogg's men held his gun on Bo, the blonde Duke boy putting his hands up instinctively.

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