Chapter Eight: Of Defects and Men

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(Short chapter to wrap everything up, hope you enjoy)

The Colonial City police finally caught the Prescotts that day, turns out multiple charges were hangin' over their heads, some not even related to Defects. As a result, Rosco was rewarded a hefty bunch, which he promptly decided to split with Boss Hogg if he let him back on the force, which he did, happily. As for Boss Hogg, though, he was held to little or no repercussions for the whole ordeal, friends and neighbors, that just don't seem fair.

Surprisingly, Dr. Bazz and his motley crew made it outta there in time, and they helped Cooter patch up the survivin' Defects that needed it. Cooter took it upon himself to apologize twice over to Bo and Luke, and Autumn for that matter, and in the end, there weren't no hard feelin's left over. There were still feelin's though.

"You what?" Luke asked blatantly, still not believing what he'd been told.

Autumn laughed and exchanged a glance with Gravedigger. "You know, married."

All three of them were immediately baffled by this.

"M-married? When? How? Where?" Bo exclaimed, shocked.

"Well, I talked to Boss Hogg, and turns out he owns this lovely little place in Chickamahoney. That's where we're gettin' married, by our own private venue of course. Look, fellas, I'm happy, and I can only hope y'all feel the same," Autumn said.

"No, no, of course, we are, it's just..." Luke trailed off, unsure of how to word it correctly.

"It's... you. You were the last person we'd expect to see settlin' down is all," Cooter answered sharing a glance with the dark-haired Duke boy.

Autumn chuckled at hearing this. "Oh, honey, you ain't gotta settle down when you get married, I'll still be the same ol' Autumn, just off the market is all."

"Yeah, I mean, ain't like we're gonna be havin' kids," Gravedigger added jokingly.

"And besides, we've always been a racin' team, we'll still be around."

There was a slight moment of silence that the boys took to process this.

"Well, I guess all I can say is congrats," Cooter said with a shrug.

Autumn smiled. "You ain't gettin' off that easy, Davenport, all y'all are invited to the weddin', you know that! I already made Daisy my maid of honor, hell, she's helpin' me plan the thing!"

"And I asked General to be my best man but he still hasn't gotten back to me so I guess we'll have to wait and see there," Gravedigger rumbled thoughtfully.

Bo nodded. "Yeah, he's... probably gonna need some time."

"We finally gonna meet the Mr. and Mrs. Burningwood?" Cooter asked.

At this, Autumn scrunched up her nose. "No, on account of there ain't gonna be none, not at my weddin'."

Luke gave her a concerned look. "You... don't like your parents?"

Autumn sighed. "There's a reason I left the reservation, let's just leave it at that. No, if you'll excuse me, I've got a bottle of Chardonnay to crack open and a maid of honor to plan with. I'll see y'all later."

With that, she stalked off towards Gravedigger and the two of them took off out of town towards the Boar's Nest.

Cooter turned to look at the Duke boys with a worried expression. "Was it somethin' I said?"

The two Duke boys were quiet, watching Gravedigger's cloud of dust settle back into the street. Growing uncomfortable in the silence, Cooter tried again.

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