~ Quote 17 ~

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"You're not spending 7 dollars and 48 cents on me........ plus tax!"
- Jellybean (6/14/2022)


During our weekly trip to the library, M&M and Sweets went to the Walgreens a few streets down (as per usual, two people always go while one stays with our stuff and room).

Jellybean gave them five dollars to get them a water and Skinny Pop.

Sweets and M&M got those two things, a snack for Jellybean because they love them, and their stuff.

It turned out to be $17 and some amount of cents, so Sweets offered to pay because she had a twenty on her (to which M&M agreed, under terms that Sweets may or may not agree to later).

Then, they went back to the library with the stuff and Jellybean tried to get Sweets to take the money they "owed" her.

(They did end up slipping the money into Sweets' bag because they carry her bag, but she's going to give it back to them ( Grace_Writes14 ).)

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