chapter 6

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It was an unusually cold day so Peter decided that he would wear an extra jacket to keep him warm while he was at school, so he put his grey decathlon jumper over his green sweatshirt. However, just as he was about to leave, May saw him. She was a drunk mess, there were bottles on the floor and spilled beer everywhere. Suddenly a bottle hit Peter in the head, shattering on impact, Peter fell to the floor. Immediately he curled himself into a ball trying to protect his head, but it didn’t matter, as soon peter began to see black spots and eventually fell unconscious.

Later that day peter woke up on the floor, when he got up, he swayed a little, still dizzy from before. When he made it to his room, he saw that he had work soon so he had to hurry and get dressed if he wanted to get there on time. He covered the bruises on his face in makeup, got dressed and left, wearing a black hoodie, a white top, and grey jeans. Just before he left, he made sure to write May a note to tell her so she would be less angry and slipped on his white trainers, grabbing his keys he left.

As he arrived at the tower made sure not to let on to anything and put on a fake smile. He only delivered the coffee, but he still did it just in case.

The abducted princeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora