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Passing through Gary's Games & Glory, I rub my hands together for warmth and key in the code for the Hacker-space before heading downstairs. A couple of days have passed since I met with Wrench on the rooftop terrace. A couple of days to wire out anything I felt that day.

When I reach the last step, I look around and I can't see anyone. Then, my earpiece pings and I'm connected to the DEDS3C CH4NNEL as I head around the corner and to Josh's desk where everyone congregates.

"I found the phone, but no Horatio in sight," Marcus says, the sound of rain faintly in the background. He must be out on a mission.

"There's gotta be something," Sitara mumbles as she sits backwards on a seat beside Josh, arms resting on the top.

"What's going on?" I ask Wrench quietly, folding my arms tightly. It's still cold even down here.

"No clues, but there is a street-cam." I hear Marcus say.

Wrench leans over to me slightly. "Horatio's gone missing."

I take in a sharp breath in concern as Josh types in a code onto his computer. "Okay, yeah. Hooking into the camera. Let's roll back the timecode, see what happened."

The five of us lean forward as Josh hacks into Oak. Cam. 72 and rewinds footage to only a few hours ago.

"There he is." Sitara points to the screen as Horatio appears in the footage. He was minding his own business when a stranger starts to head towards him, causing Horatio to slow his pace.

"Who the hell's that guy?" Wrench says, peering closer to the computer.

Josh changes to another street camera from a different angle, showing as a second guy starts to walk into the frame.

"Get outta there, Horatio." The nervousness in Josh's tone sets me on edge.

Just as a third guy walks into the frame, the first stranger reaches towards Horatio and is met by a hard punch.

"Yeah!" Sitara yells. Then, the three gang members start to go at Horatio, not holding back on any punches or kicks they throw into him.

"Jesus!" Ray gasps.

"Fight back, man!" Wrench yells, as if Horatio from the past can hear him.

But they eventually get a hold of him, pulling him towards the street. Josh changes to the next street cam and shows a woman opening the door of a car as Horatio is forcefully dragged towards it.

I feel like I've run out of breath from just watching and not being able to do anything. "I don't believe this."

"Jesus." Wrench follows after me as the footage shows Horatio being thrown into the car and the door being closed behind him. "They're fuckin' kidnapping him!"

"We gotta figure out who they are!" Ray rubs his face in distress, standing upright.

Wrench leans closer to the computer again. "Josh, get some facial rec going!"

"Fuck!" Sitara yells, hitting the top of her chair in frustration.

Josh rewinds the footage right to the beginning of the playback. Then, he pauses.

"That one's pretty clear," Sitara states as Josh begins the facial recognition software. It takes the pixelated image and clears it up, matching it with a cTOS profile.

Josh points at his screen. "Luis Travino. He's a member of the Tezcas gang."

"The Tezcas..." I trail off, my eyes wide. I look to Wrench, his robotic expression mirroring mine.

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