Welcome to my Life

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Dear diary, today is going to be a good day. I am going to be amazing, focused and determined. I will not let anything let alone anyone bring me down. I am set to change the world, okay.... maybe not the world-but my world. Today I will not second guess my decisions and I will be the brave, strong willed women that everyone believes me to be, yeah that's it! I will manifest it into existence. 

I am just about done writing my life goals and day motivation when I hear my mom screaming her vocal cords out

Athena"!!!!!!!!!! "Salte de tu cuarto este instante y vente a almorzar!!!"

Sigh, I was on a roll here man, I grab my laptop, a small bag where it fits, my air pods, and my sketch book then walk up the stairs to eat

I have always wanted my own room, ever since I was 7 I have had to share it with my sister. Recently, my parents decided it best to place fake walls in the basement to give each of us our own personal space. If you've ever seen the movie Harry Potter, like the first one, yeah his room, is my room. So much for our own space right...

"Buenos Dias Mami" I always talk to her in Spanish

She ignores me and passes me a bowl of hot soup. I sigh, this has to be normal. I mean it has to be in the Hispanic Culture at least. I mean, who else has a mother that will serve you a bowl of hot soup in the middle of June when it's 102 degrees outside, crazy people!

"mmmmm, so good" I lie. It's all a lie, this soup tastes kind of gross as a breakfast option but I still put on my best smile and thank her for the food before I leave the door. 

"Dios te bendiga y te acompane mi nina" I smile and exit the door to my car

I drive a brown old truck. It has no air conditioning which is not helping my situation. Let me explain, 

I am out of school, well for the summer, but I still go and walk around so I can bump into Isaac. He's my college crush, lame, I know. But hey, ya girl needs some eye candy distraction, and besides, he's just like a good friend. 

After about 10 minutes, I'm at the parking center and pull up next to his black car, man even his car is sexy. Well, here goes nothing...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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