chapter 13 | sundress

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I'm going to fucking kill him.

My mom tensed behind me before walking up to my side, "You went on a date?!" She exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips as she stared at me. Ade also came up to my side; his eyebrow raised as he looked at me in questioning.

"Without telling us? Cold, Malia, read cold." Ade teases, no doubt loving that mama was mad at me now. The reason they were so surprised was that I hadn't been on a date in years.

I never had the desire to ever go out with a man, which they knew well about. Even though Ades is still in high school, he managed to have a greater love life than I will ever have.

I squeezed my eyes shut, silently cursing myself as I turned around. Narrowing my eyes on Kade with murderous intent, I looked back at my mom before saying, "Excuse me, I have to talk with Kade. Right now."

She raised her eyebrows at me, gesturing for me to go inside before walking away. As soon as she was out of sight, I grabbed Kade's arm before stomping inside. He trudged along, looking satisfied for embarrassing me.

I quickly walked to the bathroom, the farthest away from the backyard, before pushing at his shoulders. He didn't stumble, looking down at me with a smirk.

"What the fuck, Kade?! You think you can walk in here and say that crap like that?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air as I rambled on. It wasn't even true, and here he is proclaiming it like some priest.

His eyes darkened, running over my body as he examined my dress. Fisting his hands tightly, he breathed in and out deeply.

With eyes fixated on my dress, he gently grabbed the end of the sundress, twirling it between his fingers.

His fingers grazed my thigh, sending shivers throughout my body. Tensing, I tried to step back before he quickly pulled me back roughly.

He finally looked at me, his dark eyes piercing. "Did you wear this for him?" He whispered, still twirling the airy material between his fingers.

"Who?" I replied, scrunching my brows together in confusion. Where did he even get the idea I went on a date with someone?

All I have been doing is lying at home like a sack of potatoes.

He stepped forward, his chest brushing mine as he looked down at me. "The man you went on a date with, did you wear this for him?" He repeated, his jaw clenched with aggravation.

"Kade," I breathed out, trying to step back, "I didn't go on a date with anyone. Who told you I did?" He didn't seem to even hear what I was saying, his eyes glued to my collarbone.

Lifting his free hand up, he ran the tips of his fingers on my collarbone, making me shiver.

"Shyla and Kiaa." He muttered, looking all too invested on my neck.

Those fucking dumbasses.

Rolling my eyes, I stepped away from him before turning to grab the handle of the door. This is was stupid. "Just because they said it doesn't mean it's true, you know that-"

Grabbing me by the waist, he spinned me around to face him again. Now, his face was angry, yet also desperate.

We were so close I could see every single speck in his green eyes, even the texture in his face.

He stood utterly still, like an animal waiting for the right moment to devour their prey.

Silently, he trailed his hands under my dress. "Every day, for eight fucking years, I have thought of you." He breathed out, his shoulders tensing. "From the sun rising to the sun setting, you were on my mind, Malia."

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