Chapter sixteen

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Natalie ran through the halls pushing and shoving anyone who got in her way


What was worng with adrein

The woman deeply cared for the young blonde as if he were her own child though she admitted it was difficult for her to express her care and nurturing ideals onto him

Shes noticed how distant yet assertive hes become and wondered if it came from putting him in public school with teenagers his own age

He had made so many freinds and was finally happy...


The woman had seen the tabloids, she knew who Adrien had been with and frankly...she couldnt have been more proud

Even seeing those photos mat them be out of context or not she saw how happy he was with that luka boy

Yes she was surprised by this but if adfien was happy that's all that mattered to her though she knew gabriel thought differently

Natalie panted slightly as she reached adriens door and burst through. Looking around the female stopped in her tracks seeing the broken glass and blood onnyhe floor

"Adrien..where are you"she said in slight shock as she followed the trail of crimson liquid to adriens bed where the Male sat completly spaced out

"A-Adrein "she repeated as she gently laid her hand on the males shoulder

Green eyes widened in shock as said male snapped his head up looking at her streight in the eyes

Tears came down his face as the realization and pain finally caught up to the blond

Natalie held him close and rubbed his back and head as she grabbed her phone contacting the private doctor

Adrien held onto her and snuggled close into her chest as he sat on his bed keeping his cut and bloody feet off the ground

The sound of screaming and crying was heard as the doctor slowly took out each shard of glass from the models feet.

Gabriel stared down at his son from a distance while the blonde held onto his assistant as he clawed at her back and shoulders almost ripping the fabric of her suit

Adrien let out a final whimper as the last peice was taken out and his bruised and battered feet were cleaned off with wipes then wrapped up in cream colored bandages protecting his skin from infection

Gabriel looked at the doctor with a scowl as he walked up to him"how bad is the damage I need him to be ready to model next week"he spat out as Adrien hid his face in natalie's chest more

"Misiour agreste with all due respect his skin will heal in time but he will not be ready to perform for at least one or two months and even then he will have at least a few light scars on his feet, he was lucky it didnt require any stitches some of those pieces were very inbeded in his skin"

Gabriel stared down at his son in disappointment then turned around and wlaked to the door" natalie have adriens schedule be cleared for the next month I will have to find his replacement until then"

Natalie nodded as she rubbed adriens back gently

Gavriel left then alone as the doctor left the mansion

Adrien sighed softly as he looked up at the woman holding him"im never going to live up to his expectations"

         Yo what's up yalls I know it's been a while since I have updated this story. Dont worry I'm going to finish it but hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love the natalie and Adrien bonding time here and i might go back and edit this part a little more later on

Feel free to check out my other stories and my newest story Shadowland

Till next time my kittens

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