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Eddie's POV.
I don't like people. Well. Most of them. They're cruel. People are selfish. But that's just a part of human nature, isn't it? All they ever do is disappoint. And I'm a living proof of that. All I am Is a fucking disappointment.

People see me as a guy, who loves himself to bits. Who thinks he is perfect. They're not correct. Not at all. My "charm", my charisma and character is just a cover. Cause you can't let people see who you really are, how you really feel. You can't be vulnerable with them because all they're going to do with that is use it against you. I've learned my lesson and i certainly won't repeat it again.

As much as I hate myself, I can't help but hate others too. Jason, his goons etc., etc., etc. They're all complete idiots. If playing basketball, sleeping with ten girls in a single week  and beating up "freaks" is your whole personality, I don't like you. Fuck off.

The fact that i just got beat up for trying to help Shelly is so fucking disgusting. She's already miserable because of all the catcalling and nasty jokes, but they just have to make her life worse at a fucking party where almost all of the students are gathered. I hate people. I hate them.

Right now, I'm sitting in my bedroom, high out of my mind, with a black eye and a bleeding nose, surrounded by beer cans and bloody wipes. Every inch of my body is hurting and sore. I give up. What's the point of trying to be a good person if all you get is a blow to the face in return.

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