The Conspiracy Unravelled

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Elizabeth and Shaak Ti entered an examination room, preparing to launch an investigation. Master Rancisis was keeping the Kaminoans preoccupied with other tasks. As the two Jedi entered a room, they are greeted by a medical droid.

Droid- Greetings, how can I be of assistance?

Elizabeth- We need to give a couple of clones a brain scan.

Droid- Of course. My name is AZI-3, I will assist you.

Shaak Ti- Much appreciated. (gestures two clones to enter).

Clone #1- What exactly are we doing, generals?

Shaak Ti- We are just giving you both medical exams, they will be swift.

Clone #2- Ok...

Elizabeth- Clone trooper...(gestures to the first clone)...

Clone #1- Speed, sir.

Clone #2- Cause of how fast his movements on the battlefield are.

Speed- Yeah, save it Wendle.

Elizabeth- (shakes her head in comic annoyance). Anyway, should we get underway? Come on Speed, let's get this brain scan over with.

(he complies. He removes his helmet and lays on the patient examination table, before AZI brings a machine down to scan him. The scan completes after a few seconds, and shows an area of his head with a shape of a tumor)

Wendle- What, is that? (concerned look).

Shaak Ti- Hm, it is definitely what we are looking for.

Elizabeth- (nods), agreed on that. Now, we just need to scan Wendle, and if it is there, then it proves my suspicions.

(After Speed comes off the table, the process repeated with Wendle, who also had one of these "tumors".)

Shaak Ti- Then you were correct in your suspicions?

Elizabeth- Yes. Now we have to get these tumors out and examine them.

(AZI goes through a surgical process with both Wendle and Speed, quickly removing both tumors. Elizabeth takes them and examines them, Shaak Ti stands beside her, looking at the tumors in curiosity)

Elizabeth- Well, I can say with confidence these definitely don't look like tumors.

Shaak Ti- (nods in agreement), indeed. In fact, what are they?

(Elizabeth takes out a scanner device she was carrying for this, and scans the "tumor", and wasn't surprised by the result)

Elizabeth- Yep, not a tumor, but an inhibitor chip.

Shaak Ti- (concerned expression). Inhibitor chip? For what?

Elizabeth- Well, I don't know that much, but I know that these types of chips can be used to control someone's behavior.

Shaak Ti was visibly more concerned. After a brief conversation, Elizabeth and Shaak Ti thanked AZI and the clones, and bidded them fairwell for now, and left to find the other masters. Plo, Nema, and Oppo met the other two Jedi at their cruiser, and soon after left Kamino. They traveled back to Coruscant, and went back to the temple. They showed the chips to Yoda, who's own growing suspicions were being confirmed. He told them to be aware of a secret Sith in the senate. He himself remained much more cautious, especially around the senate and the clone troopers. Over the next couple of weeks, Nic had Leo's chip removed, as well as Rex's, Gree's, Galle's, Javelin's, Cody's, and of course, Hades'. All of them had seemed very concerned about having these secret chips in their heads, and they were unaware of that fact.

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