Classified: Arya Foster // Songbird

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Name: Arya Foster

Hero Name: Songbird

Age: 24

Family: Willow Thames (24), 2 cats (Hollow & Sabbath), 3 horses (Haldir, Rose & Saia),

Looks: Hair- Long, wavy, brown / Eyes- Violet / Height- 5' 2 amd a half'' / Weight- 120lbs

Personality: reserved yet quick tempered, loyal, analitical, courageous, selfless and kind,

Likes: Cats, art, music, poptarts,

Hates: Being teased about height, being judged, and being alone,

Love Interest: Thor

Abilities: Shapeshift (into animals), can hear animals' thoughts if she has a connetion with them,

Extra: Plays piano, sings when alone, collects music boxes, well-versed in mythology (especially Norse),

Themes: Hands Held High-Linkin Park, Between the Raindrops-Lifehouse,

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