Part 2

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Skye POV: 

i was shocked at this! i can't beleave my true love picked me and my bff! i hope that Everest doesn't win! why you ask? because 1: Chase is mine! 2: Marshall has a crush on Everest. so lets hope i win for Marshall. because i love Chase!

Chase POV:

The first round started and i was sitting in a chair. before i wondered why? but then i saw 3 buttons that said 1, 5, and 10. so i knew  that how these rounds are. where if i like more then the other i give them more score. the first round was about to begin. and i heard Skye Wispering. i couldn't hear her fairly well. all i heard her say was "I'm gonna win!" then the round started. the first round was where they had to do cool tricks. but i thought that Skye would win this round because she does cool tricks. Everest went first. and she did a cool spin on her head. i gave her a 5. and then it was Skye's turn. she did a jump and spin. i could not beleave my eyes. so i gave her a 10. then Ryder said "Break!" so we took a 5min break and then went on to round 2.


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