chapter 1

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Yknow with the reveal of heizous design i feel a bit discarded in a typa sense

Timeline 1

The young fellow was skimming through the items of the yae publishing house, sometimes taking quick glances at the standee of "Teyvat's big sister",he wanted to laugh a bit at the simillarities it has with a friend of his.

the streets of inazuma were busy, people attending various stuff or just taking a stroll in the fresh wind of the nation of eternity

Leaves fell onto the pavement,the people stepping on them as they walked and ran around the city.

Until steps could be heard behind the young man approaching him, yet he did nothing at all, just decided to not worry as much as he usually always did.

It was a man who stopped beside him, also having the intention of looking at the items the area could have.

He had red hair with a portion of it colored black,green eyes and a mischiveous but familliar aura.

Yet this aura gave him discomfort,
The familliarty was too much and he just wanted to run away like a pussy

He could feel the red haired man's small glances at him, worry and anxiety flowing into his nerves.

It was hard to keep his composure and a straight face but was spared the stress when the other decided to speak up.

"Soooo.... you wanna say something or just run away??"

The other boy asked, looking right through the man as if he was glass,
The anxiety didnt flow in but stormed into every single part of his body, yet he spoke with confidence and that only to seem a bit more normal.

"Who are you to ask me that? You dont have any respect for anybody at all dont you..."

He replied uncomfortable with whatever could happen next, a smirk formed onto the other's face, not caring and slyly pushing off the respect talk he gave to the other boy


The other suddenly spoke, confusion and worry wasnt good together sometimes.


He replied,the first thing he thought of is just to ask "what?"
It sounds kinda dumb for some reason but it'll work.

Eitherway it did sound like a name for him, a name he thought he always knew, was this guy famous? He hasnt met him until now.

"Shikanoin Heizou, its my name if you're confused."

Heizou replied cutting off whatever thoughts the other boy had about his name.

So confusing so familliar, surely he met him somewhere or anywhere before right? It cant be a coincidence either, right?

"Bete noire?.."

The lad spoke up giving away his name,afterall its rude to not give your name away after someone does so

"Sounds like something for a woman but even a bit more fontainish yknow?"

The other objected, he was right it did sound quite feminine but its a fact that the name is from fontaine,
Afterall bete did came from fontaine himself.

"You're quite bold to just say that in my face arent you?"

Bete replied annoyed at how shameless heizou could be, yet this boldness did remind him of something or possibly someone.

These thoughts plauged his mind, everything snapping away senselessly, memories forgotten yet discovered in such a blurry way.

"Who... are you?"

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