The Darkness

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It is an eerie place filled with shadows and little light ... but, once, this place was white. It was pure like a blank canvas just waiting to be coloured. However, slowly shadows started to flow; and like a calm river with a rock thrown in ripples, formed and spread till only a speck of the light that once shone brightly was left. Within the light was me, while small whispers could be heard in the darkness.

"Come home ... they're waiting ..."

"Who's waiting?" I asked in a daze "What home?" I didn't know what came over me, but my blood boiled while looking into that darkness as if it were calling me.

It was at that time the whispers grew louder and the darkness slowly started taking over the light around me.

"Why follow that woman in denial?" asked the Whispers "Why drown your desires to please her? Why deny your blood for that tainted wife? Just give in to what you want, your family is waiting..."

"Family, What Family?" My blood began to heat up again, my heart beat faster, and my breath became rapid. It was as if my body was replying to the questions for me.

"Come, come to me Talia," said the voice

"W...Where" I asked muddled



I opened my eyes to see my mom's worried face, looking around I was in my bedroom. I moved my hands as they felt wet and saw a small puddle on my bed, I touched my face and it was wet.

"Sweat," I thought while in a strange daze.

"Talia are you ok?" My mom asked, "Why are you so dazed?"

"M...Mom!" I exclaimed, "I either had a pleasant nightmare or a bad dream." I said while looking at my hands.

"Talia," my mom's eyes seemed to dilate, then she sighed and asked, "What was the dream?"

"That's the problem it was extremely dark and the only light source was the light that surrounded me. Honestly, it felt similar to you mom." I said

"The light reminds you of me?" she asked surprised

"Yes, but the darkness talked mom, whispers saying come home and your family's waiting." I stated, I was about to continue when my mom's hands started to shake "Is something wrong, mom? Why are you shaking" I asked

"Nothing, is there anything else," she asked, but the breath was a bit rigid and her eyes were scared.

"No, you woke me up" I answered, feeling a bit strange.

"Well, that was quite the vivid dream." she said "But, why was it a pleasant nightmare"

"Pleasant??" I looked confused as I replied to my mom "I don't know."

"Well, get ready we're travelling to your uncle's house today," she said as she started packing my clothes

"Uncle, mom I had an uncle?" I asked, seemingly shocked as I faintly remember that my mom and I had no relatives.

"Yes uncle, you'll be living with him from now on" she stated as left with my suitcase "pack anything you want we'll leave immediately."

It was strange, mom left in quite a hurry it was like she was running away from something afraid it would catch her. No, the strange thing is this uncle, didn't mom say that all our family members died, she even brought me to their graves once to pay our respect. So, how do I all of a sudden have an uncle, what's even stranger is how she reacted to my dream. Do I have a family? I thought, if an uncle exists doesn't that mean I have an aunt or cousin too. I'm a bit excited to meet this uncle as I've always wanted a family other than just mom. However, something inside me just wants to stay here, but part of me wants to stay, why is that?

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