Writers block

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I'm not a fan of writing long stories, so I'm going to write short ones instead. Enjoy and please don't procrastinate me on the spelling errors.

    "Alright class I want you to write a story using the following prompt." stated Mrs. Olson " You wake up one day to discover that your greatest weakness is now your superpower.

    Sweet is what you'd think right well, not me.

    "Due tomorrow, you may begin."

    Greatest weakness.....weakness... What am I going to do, I don't know what my weakness is. I've always been an over positive overachiever, it could be anything. Um..lets see my dad has always said that I was loud, that could be a weakness; ya no that's just how I am. Wait my grandmother said that me having my way was a weakness, but that just me having some freedom. Well, I guess I'll have to add things I'm not good at, let's see there's: Volleyball, cursing, reading, writing, spelling, darn it there's too much. Good thing it's due tomorrow

    "Oh I forgot to mention your rough draft is due today!" yelled Mrs. Olson, " You also have one hour left. """"

    Great now have to choose a weakness, the first word I can think of is... Sw..sw...Sweets. Ya, I'm just in love with sweets, but what kind of power would sweets have um..... I think I've got it. I got fifty-seven minutes left, let's do this. Wait a minute, I had the strangest feeling of deja vu just now. Forget it I'm gonna start now.

Once in the faraway land of New York City, there lived a sugar-loving loving girl name Renese. She was the daughter of a widow sweet maker. She often helped her mother to make sweets of all shapes and sizes, but other times she'd make her treats. Her school was called Saccharine High, it's a place where students learn to make excessively sweet or sentimentally sweet sweets. Thus the name, "Renese Queen of Sweets" because of her unique skills with anything candied.

    At Saccharine High

    "Hey, Renese" yelled a waving girl "Is that you're new sweet for class?"
    "Hi Nina" replied Renese "Sure is, did you make the syrup?"
    "Indeed I did, we're gonna rock the class. That is if you can stay focused long enough to present it."
    "Don't worry Nina I  will.  I replied rolling my eyes.
"You better, come on"
    "Nina waits up," Renese hollered after Nina's retreating figure.

    In class

    "RENESE!" complained Mr. F, "Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?"
    "Yes, sir I am," Renese said snapping back to earth.
    "Good you're the best student in this class, so you should be listening." said Mr. F calmly, " Set a good example
    "Yes sir"
    "Now, continuing with what I was saying," said Mr. F

    2 hour later: School gate

    "See you tomorrow Renese," said Nina
    "Right back at cha"

    As Renese walked home she stopped to take a breather at the beach. While there she somehow ended up wandering into a cave, in the center of the cave there was a single flower that was emitting a bright golden light. When she reached to touch the strange flower, her senses were overcome with disorientation. Regaining them in her room.

    "Huh my room," thought Renese " wasn't I at the beach....then in a cave, and now I'm home.
    " Renese dinner." hollered her mother.
    "Coming mom!!"

    As Renese walked downstairs she wondered what had happened. How'd she get from the beach to a strange cave, then to her house, was it magic. Could she somehow teleport to different places or was that bizarre flower trying to tell her something?

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