when your child is nervous about her first day of school

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"Your class is right down that hall over there!" You said, nodding to the classroom across the hall.

From where you were, you could see kids just as young and just as afraid as your little girl was as they let go of their parent's hands and entered the classroom.

"Are you excited?" Minnie asked Aria, gently holding her small hand in hers as the three of you got closer and closer to the room. "You're going to have so much fun!"

Aria looked at Minnie with big eyes but she stayed quiet and looked away just as you reached the classroom.

"How did you get so big so fast?" You spoke to your five-year-old daughter as you knelt on the floor in front of her. "Your first day of school," you sighed. "It's going to be so fun."

Aria watched as Minnie knelt on the floor beside you and in front of her, too.

She then looked at the teacher, who sent her a big bright smile and waited for her to say goodbye to you and Minnie so she could join the other kids for a fun day ahead.

"What is it, honey?" Minnie asked as she gently fixed Aria's pigtails a bit. "Don't you want to go in?"

Aria shook her head quickly.

"Why not, sweetheart?" You asked.

"Are you nervous?" Minnie quietly asked Aria, who nodded her head wordlessly. "That's alright. This is new and it's something that's going to take some adjusting. But I know you're going to have so much fun."

Aria looked away from Minnie and then looked at you.

"You're going to make lots of new friends there. I bet some of them even love cartoons like you do."

Aria's eyes lit up upon hearing that.

"I bet they even love all of the same foods you do! Like chocolate!" Minnie said and Aria's frown quickly turned into a big smile.

You love that smile so much, as does Minnie.

All of the little holes in it from her baby teeth starting to fall out and you love the way her eyes sparkle when she smiles.

It reminds Minnie of you.

Your smile is the same and that makes Minnie love Aria's smile even more.

So seeing it tug at her lips as that sad frown fades away makes you both so happy to see.

"You're going to have so much fun learning new things and making so many friends. The hours will fly by and we will be right back here before you know it." Minnie assured.

"Promise?" Aria asked as she held her pinky out and Minnie quickly wrapped hers around it and you did the same after.

"Don't be afraid. You're going to have a great time and you'll be looking forward to coming back each day to have just as much fun as the day before." You promised and kissed her forehead.

"You've got this, cutie pie. Go in." Minnie grinned and rubbed her hand across Aria's back as she turned to look up at her teacher.

"Ready, Aria?"

Aria hesitated but eventually went into the classroom, waving goodbye to you and Minnie before she'd be out of sight.

You blew her a kiss and Minnie waved back to her before someone came up to her and started to hang out with her.

"She'll be okay." The teacher promised. "We'll see you both soon."

The door closed a few seconds later and you took in a deep breath as Minnie squeezed your shoulder.

"Where does the time go?" You asked as you leaned against Minnie. "Off to kindergarten today, college tomorrow."

"Not exactly, darling." Minnie giggled as she held you. "I think there's plenty of time before that day comes."

"You seem to be holding it together better than me." You said as you turned around to face her.

"I'm trying to. Trust me, I see her growing up just as fast as you do. I know I've only been in her life for a year and we're not related by blood but I still love her so much and seeing her start this new chapter in life makes me tear up." She said as you stared at her. "But she's going to grow up, it's inevitable."

"I know." You sighed. "She loves you lots too. Thank you for being such a great mom to her and for always encouraging her."

Minnie just grinned and kissed your cheek softly.

"Let's get out of here and let our little angel spread her wings for a few hours. The time is going to fly by. We'll get some food and then go home and spend some time together before we come back to pick up the little angel." Minnie suggested.

She wrapped her arm around you after you exited the school together, hoping to pass the time before you'd come back here together to pick up your little girl and hear all about her day.

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