Part 2

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One knock on the door. No answer. Two knocks on the door. No answer. Three knocks on the door. Was he asleep or is he ignoring?

"Marlon, Marlon are you there?" I asked loudly but still got no response.

Getting impatient, I opened the door to see Marlon had been sitting on his rough and untidy bed while his gaze was on the boarded up window.

What was he thinking? Maybe running away from his mess?

He then looked over from the noise of the door and saw me. His eyes didn't change, guilt and regret lingered around before he looked away.

"Why are you here? Did Ruby tell you to come here?" Marlon questioned harshly, flinching a little at his tone.

"Yeah, Ruby asked me to check your wound-"

"It's not that bad," Marlon interrupted, wincing after he had moved his shoulder to shrug it off.

I smiled at the action, closing the door behind me and advancing closer to the male.

No one really is going to hate Marlon for killing Brody, not forever anyways. He was scared but all of us were as well, that secret must have broken him to pieces.

"If I patch it up, then I'll leave immediately okay," I promised but getting no response, Marlon slowly took off this shirt.

The wound wasn't as bad as that it needed special medical help but it did needed to be treated before it get infected.

After a lot of reassurance, I finally finished the job with tying the bandage into a knot.

"There, I'm done," I said gently, backing slightly away from Marlon to see he was already trying to move his shoulder, causing him to wince in pain again.

"You shouldn't move it so soon!" I exclaimed, putting the arm in a comfortable position.

"You should gave said that sooner," Marlon muttered in middle of the pain, holding his arm more gently.

I let out a small chuckle at his answer but then there was silence at it, both of us reminding that it wasn't just a normal day that one of us just got hurt by hunting, someone was killed yesterday.

"I'll bring some food when it's ready... but don't expect much," I informed, standing up from the old bed and making my way to the door.

Only turning the handle to the side, I heard a slow mutter.


"Yes Marlon,"

"I'm sorry... and thank you,"

I didn't say anything to that. What could I have said? It has already been done and even if I forgive him, we both know that not everyone will.

I locked the door and went to look for AJ to see him still in his room, quietly in his own thoughts.

"AJ," I whispered gently but the boy still jumped at my voice.

"Yes Clem?"

"It's time for breakfast,"

"Oh okay," AJ answered, walking over and grabbed onto my hand tightly as we walked in the corridor.

"They're not mad at you AJ, he's not dead,"

"I know, I'm just being caution just you used to tell me to be,"

"That's when we were in the forest, alone, by ourselves, but now we're under protection, you don't have to worry,"

"Okay Clem,"

Opening the door which led to the table where everyone was gathered to eat, it was all quiet as no one had the appetite to talk or eat lots.

"Hey Clem and AJ," Violet said, pushing two bowls of rice towards us as we sat down beside her.

"Hey Violet, who's going to be hunting today?" I asked, being the first to start a conversation that everyone could interact with.

"We don't know, it was... you know's job to deal with that," Ruby said, who was sitting beside us, removing Marlon's name for everyone's in the table sake.

"Oh okay, do you mind checking the schedule in his office?" I whispered to her.

"Go all in if you want, it's not even his anymore," Ruby responded, finishing her food.

Finishing my own rice quick enough, I gave Marlon his small portion of food, who was sleeping before exploring in his own office.

His office was kind of clean with different kind of sheets; the area of the forest, who's in charge of the teams who go out, the schedule and other things.

I started to feel sorry for Marlon, he had so much pressure on himself for taking care of so many people. Just like Lee.

"Clem, have you found the schedule? Ruby needs it!" Violet asked from behind the door.

"Uh, yes, I found it," I replied back, grabbing the sheet of the schedule and heading outside of the office.

Exiting the office, I was soon meet by Violet who was leaning against the wall lazily.

"What took you so long?" She questioned curiously as we walked to where the group was stationed at.

"I was just daydreaming, don't worry about it," I answered honestly, opening the door for the both of us.

"Really? Well I do have something to tell you after we come back," 

"Oh, why can't you tell me now then? We can talk before we go meet the group?"

Violet's cheeks then become pink and pale red, showing shyness, embarrassment and shame by the redness in her face.

"No, I want it to only be you and me, we have to go now," She explained, taking my hand and dragging me to where the group....

Let's Go Back To Normal ~MarlontineWhere stories live. Discover now