chapter 3-annocmemts

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They get to hogwarts and they go and sit to their tables

Kayla sits down next to Michael

The choir was playing

"They sound bad" Michael says kayla hits him

"Ow" he said awhile ripping his shoulder

"Welcome welcome to other year at hogwarts I like to say a few words now I will like to welcome RJ Lupin who will be the dark defense art teacher

"Ofc that's why he gave u the chocolate harry" hermione said

"Potters potters" draco said

"Is it true u actually faded" draco said

"Put a sock in it malfoy" Kayla said

"That was a good one" michael said

"and I would like to say I own Rubeus Hagrid will be the care of magical creatures teacher" Dumbledore said

"On the other note Hogwarts will be home too the Dementors of Azkaban this year" Dumbledore Said

After the announcements they ate and then went to their dorms


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