chapter 22-the attack

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The weasleys are celebrating

"Theirs no one like krum" Ron said

"Krum krum" the twins said

" he's like a bird the way he rides the wind he's more than an athlete he's an artist" Ron said

"I think ur in love ron" ginny said

They started singing

" it sounds like the Irish got their pride on"george said

Then author and varron both come in

"Dad what are u doing here" Kayla Said

"We gotta go" varron said

"Why" Kayla said

"We are being attacked" varron said

Joan's eyes widened

"Uncle varron I am coming with u guys" Joan said

"No stay with ur brother stick together" varron said

Varron and kayla operated out of their to the weasleys

"Why u back so early" Molly said

"We were under attacked" Kayla said looking at her brother on couch

"Dudley ur alive but bruise up" she said hugging her twin brother

" I am alright" dudley said

Kayla and dudley sit on the couch they decided to talk about quidditch and how dudley is going out for quidditch this yr and kayla isn't she will her 6th yr maybe

Molly and petunia and varron are talking in the kitchen waiting for the others to get back

After awhile they ended up go up to bed


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