Chapter Thirteen

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Brian's POV
I was still a bit traumatized by all that transpired by the time we got to the hotel. Flashes of what happened after the conversation Auria and I had started to come back and I started to think I was losing my mind. Apparently there was a lot of that going around though. When I looked around, no one seemed to be in their right mind. They were all scattered around trying to comprehend what we had all just saw. To actually see Darkseid, the god we were trying to go up against, it was very chilling.

Normally I would be more shaken up about Darkseid but I expected that from him. It was Auria that had me in my head. "Brian, where's Chris and Jason?" Daniel asked as he, Aaron, and Lucas walked over to me. "They're outside. Jason hasn't let Chris out of his sight since Auria left. I wonder why" I responded trying to keep my cool. I had just gotten knocked out recently and my memories were jacked so I didn't want to freak anyone out when I wasn't sure of anything.

"Hey Brian, do you remember anything from the conversation you and Auria had? Like when she did that to you." Aaron asked while point at the knot that was forming on my head. I reached up to rub my head again and I lied and said that I didn't remember anything. The only things was, my face didn't match my words so they knew I was lying.

"Fine, I remember bits of what happened. Once she got up I knew I had to stop her and I told her that I couldn't let her leave. The person that turned around was not Auria or at least not the Auria I knew. Her eyes were glowing a fiery orange and it felt like the whole room was on fire and there wasn't an escape. She had a serious look on her face, like she was stalking prey. I was a mouse trapped in a corner facing a cobra. After that it was blank, I don't remember anything else before I woke up."

Everyone stared at me with so much concern, I guess they thought I hit my head too hard

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Everyone stared at me with so much concern, I guess they thought I hit my head too hard. I asked them to say something and Lucas finally said "I know what you mean. Back at the battlefield right before she charged onto the battle field and I had got in her face. I only backed up because I saw the same thing you saw Brian. I didn't see the snake or her eyes glowing or anything but it was definitely intense".

"If only we could read your mind and figure out what actually happened. Don't get me wrong I believe you, it's just we don't have the full story" Aaron said. I nodded my head and suggested that we went outside to see how Chris and Jason were doing. On the way downstairs I started to realize that Auria could be gone forever. The thought hit me hard, I couldn't imagine how things would be with her gone.

"We gotta hurry, Chris can't be taking this well" I said as I started picking up the pace. I was so focused on trying to remember what happened that I didn't even think about anything else. I started to hope and pray that Auria was okay. Then I had to ask for strength because I didn't know how I was going to stay strong. I didn't know how any of us were going to get through it all. How would we survive? What happens if we do? Will we all make it? So many questions ran through my mind and I wouldn't know the answer until it was too late.

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