Camp Half-Blood?

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Chapter 2

Most people wouldn't trust a freaking centaur that they had just met, but I didn't really have a choice. We made it to what Luke called the big house, when he scooped me up bridal style and carried me into the infirmary. He grabbed a vial of some sort of golden drink that looked like apple juice and something that looked like the cake from Alice in wonderland and set it down on the table next to me. He then got out some gauze and wrapped up my ankle, setting it on a pillow, and heading into a closet in the back of the room. I was the only one in the room besides Luke and I felt fairly uncomfortable being taken care of like this when I didn't even know where I was.

Luke returned with a bright orange shirt, a pair of shorts and orange converse.

"I know orange might not be 'your color' as most girls say, but it's the color of this camp and you have to wear it. I got you an extra small shirt and size zero shorts. Are those the right sizes?"

"They should be, thank you. Now are you gonna let me change, or...?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

I was impressed at his ability to guess my size, but I was a rather small 15 year old and it generally wasn't too hard to guess.

He turned around and thrusted the clothes and shoes at me. I set the shoes on the ground, I'll ask him for socks when I'm done, I thought. The shirt and shorts fit perfectly and I laid back down on the bed, feeling a lot better.

"You can turn around now Luke, and by the way, I'm gonna need socks."

He whirled around a went back to work, chuckling at my statement. He looked about 17, and had three beads on the necklace around his neck. He handed me the little wonderland cake and put the juice in a cup with a straw and some ice.

"Here, drink this and eat this. They're called ambrosia and nectar and they'll heal you. just don't eat too much or you'll burn up."

I took a hesitant bite of the cake and nearly spit it out. I was expecting vanilla cake and was met with cherry ice cream. Luke chuckled at my reaction to the ambrosia as if it hadn't been his first time experiencing it. Preparing myself for the nectar to not taste like apple juice I wasn't disappointed this time. The drink tasted like a strawberry banana smoothie and I sipped the whole thing. My head cleared and my ankle felt fine and all of my scrapes and cuts disappeared.

"We're gonna leave the bandage on for the day but you should feel much better now. Just out of curiosity, what does the ambrosia and nectar taste like to you?"

"It tastes like a strawberry banana smoothie I had for breakfast at my old school and cherry ice cream. Does it taste different for everyone?" I ask in curiosity.

He nodded and the took my hand, pulling me out of bed. I coughed and look at my bare feet, which caused him to blush and scurry off to get me a pair of socks. He returned and I slid on the stupid orange converse and headed to the porch.

There was Chiron and a fat man in an obnoxious leopard print shirt and blue sweatpants. He looked like he belonged at a bar, not a summer camp, and the scowl on his face looked permanent.

"What's your name?"

"Eliza, sir," I was tempted to ask for his name, but I had a feeling that would be a very bad idea.

"Well, Elizabeth," the grumpy man started off, while the look on Luke's face prevented me from interrupting, "do you know why you're here? Do you know why this camp exists? Do you even know what a half-blood is?"

"I don't know why I'm here, sir. Or what a half-blood is."

He rolled his eyes and turned to Luke, "Show her around, explain what's going on, just know that the video isn't working so she can't watch that. I can't be bothered with it. Today is the summer solstice and I have to be at a meeting."

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