Doctor's Visit

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Haley finished washing the dishes. She walked into the living room. "Ready for our walk Rose?" She said. "Yes, mama." Three year old Roseline said. Roseline grabbed her mom's hand and they walked towards the door. When they stepped out the door, the cold winter air hit Rose's cheeks making them a light shade of pink. They walked to their favorite cafe. "Rosey." Mrs. Graham said, coming around the corner. She hugged rose. "Nana cracker!" Rose said hugging Mrs. Graham. The old woman smiled at the nickname her favorite customer gave her. "Jerry, rosey is here." Mrs. Graham said towards the back. Mr. Graham walked out of the back of the store slowly on his cane. "Rosey." Mr. Graham said, smiling softly. "Teddy." Rosey said, running over to him. He slowly picked her up. "Now Jerry you know you are too old to picking her up," Mrs. Graham said, putting her hands on her hips. "and she is getting to big." Mrs. Graham said taking rose from Mr. Graham and putting her down. Mr. Graham chuckled and sat in the nearest empty chair. He sat his cane to the side. Mrs. Graham went to back and came back with a jar of cookies and a box with pastries. Rose's eyes lit up. "Don't eat all of these at once rosey, dear." Mrs. Graham said. "Yes nana cracker." Rose said. "Bye guys." Haley said, grabbing the jar and box while smiling widely. She grabbed rose's hand and they left. They were walking towards the park. There weren't many people at the park. They sat at a picnic table with four benches around it. Haley put the box on the table and opened it. She grabbed a chocolate croissant and handed it to rose. Then she grabbed a piece of French toast and a jam packet. She pulled out napkins. She gave rose one and took one for herself. Haley was a single mom and quite frankly a young one. She is twenty years old. She was very scared about motherhood but now she loves it, and she loves rose. But she is scared of anything happening to her baby and she is very worried about rose's future. She hopes she is raising her kid right. "Rose, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Haley asked to small girl in front of her. "A doctor." Rose said posing funnily. Haley chuckled. "Why a doctor." Haley asked, taking a bite of hwr toast. "So I can save and help hurt people." She said. "Well, Roseline to be a doctor you have to go to college for a long time." Haley said. Rose took a bite of her croissant. "But I don't wanna leave you all alone." Rose said. "You know I love you rose?" Haley said, playing with rose's blonde pigtails. "Yes mama." Rose said. Rose isn't a normal kid. She is smarter than other kids her age, she advances more. She knows how cruel this world is. Rose finished her croissant. "I will never leave you alone, mama." Rose said, then ran off to play at the park. Haley watched rose play and run around with some kids that showed up with a nanny kids. "Mama!" Rose yelled. Haley ran over to rose. "Rose, what happened." Haley asked, with fear in her eyes. Rose stood still breathing heavily. "I cant b-breath." Rose said, trying to catch her breath. Haley picked up her child. She sat rose on the park bench. She scrambled for her phone and called 911. The ambulance came quick. They loaded rose on a ham. Haley hopped inside and sat next to rose. They hooked rose up to the Ime "Roseline, its gonna be fine." Haley said in between sniffles. She held rose's hand. "Mama, my chest hurts." Rose said. "I know, baby. We are going to the doctor they will make you feel better." Haley said. Rose fell asleep. Haley cried hoping it wasn't something bad. They arrived at the hospital. They escorted Haley to the room they would put rose in. They laid rose on the bed. Haley sat in the chair next to rose's bed. Haley closed her tear soaked eyes and put her hands together. "God, if you can hear me. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a long time. But now I really need you to help my baby. I know it's selfish but I would rather it be me on this bed. God don't make this my baby's deathbed." Haley prayed. She opened her eyes. She wiped her tears and leaned closer to rose. "Ma'am." The doctor at the door said.

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