I'm Polly gray

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Y'all arrived at the peaky blinders house Polly was on the couch with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other

Hey Polly Arthur said

Where have you boys been Polly asked putting the cigarette in her mouth and inhaling the smoke and tilting her head up let the smoke leave her lips

We were picking up a old friend Tomas said noting twords you

You roll your eyes and said we're not friends Mr shelby you said angrily

Polly looked up as you said that and you are she said inhaling the smoke again and breathing it out into the room

Kira smith you and you are... You said

Polly gray Ms smith what exactly did you do to get into trouble with these two she asked motioning to the boys

No fucking idea Ms gray you said

Oh for fucks sake Kira before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted

It's Ms smith damn it you said raising your voice alittle out of anger

Well Ms smith stop raising your voice at me Tomas said raising his voice alittle as well

I wonder why I'm raising my voice you said pretending to think before saying oh that's right I've told you two damn times it's ms smith but no Mr shelby has to piss me off you said in almost a yell

Polly and Arthur were shocked at your behavior because they knew that nobody was aloud to yelled at him unless it was his friends or someone he cared about

He took out his gun and pointed it to your chest don't talk to me like that

You didn't give a fuck about the gun to your chest and said I'll talk to you however I damn want

Polly's jaw dropped Arthur literally just walked over and sat down next to Polly and poured a glass of whiskey and taped it to Polly's as they both took a sip of the whiskey

You smirked as you said so go on shoot me

Thomas looked at you as if you'd gone crazy and put his gun back in it's case and walked over and got a glass of whiskey as well and sat down shocked you weren't scared of him

You just laughed and said so what did y'all need Mr Shelby's as you looked and the boys that were shocked

Polly bring Ms smith to the guest room please Tomas said

As Polly took you up to the room she looked at you and ask why you weren't scared you said you'd been through worse and she decided not to ask anymore about it

Well here your room she said walking you in

Ok thanks you said looking around

No problem she said

Can I have a pack of cigarettes you asked

Sure I'll be right back she said as she went downstairs to the living room where the boys were and they asked what she was doing and she got a pack of cigarettes off the table and a bottle of whiskey

Ms smith asked for a pack of cigarettes polly said

What about the whiskey Arthur asked

Oh I'm going to get to know her a bit and who doesn't like whiskey she said

She's 16 Polly Arthur said looking at her which brings me to ask he said turning to Tomas Tomas why would a 16 Year old girl come to London alone to get a shipment of guns

I don't know he said looking at Arthur

Well have fun Polly don't get her drunk Tomas said

Polly chuckled and said oh does Tommy care for ms smith she teased

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