Chapter 3: The Hangout

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After you had your shower and got changed you headed over to Gareth's and knocked on his door. He mother gingerly opened the door happy to see you. "I'm here to see Gareth" you spoke. She let you in and told you that he was in his room. She led you up the stairs and pointed to the 1 door to the right. You thanked her and walked over to his door. You knocked softly on his door. You heard a muffled "come in" as you opened the door. You walked in and clothes the door behind you. He's room was plastered in posters of different bands and photos. "Hey" you said. He looked at you his face in shock. "Hey" he stood quickly and walked over to you. "I was going to clean up a bit before you got here but I got sidetracked" he looked embarrassed, his room was slightly messy but it was that bad. "It's ok, it's very you" you smiled at him walking toward his wall of photos looking at them and ghosting your fingers over them. You stopped at one that looked way older than the rest. It was a picture of a young family, a woman, a man and a little boy. "Is that you?" You asked, he walked over to the wall. "Mhm" he hummed. " You were cute" "Were, are you saying I'm not cute now?" He smirked. You decided to play around with him. "I don't know, am I?" You looked back at him. He put his hands over his heart and made a offended face. "Ok I guess you're kinda cute" you smiled. He smiled back. You laughed "You know your pretty cute too" he said. "I know" you smirked at him. He laughed and sat down on his bed. "Who are you laughing at mister" you jokingly put your hands on your hips and gave him a sassy look. He laughed harder. "You" he sputtered out. You started to laugh with him. You loved his laugh. After the laughing fit you both calmed down and you sat on the floor. He was still sitting on the bed now looking at you. You didn't know what to do now. You started to zone out when he sat on the floor in front of you. "What do you want to do?" He asked you. You found it sweet that he wanted to know what you wanted to do. "We could go to the arcade." He seemed to like that idea. "That sounds good" he stood up and offered his hand to help you up. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up. He put his shoes on and you both headed out the front door. "Before we go I want to let my parents know we are going to the arcade." You stopped at you're house and told them you were leaving and grabbed a little extra cash just in case. You and Gareth headed toward the arcade stopping for ice cream on the way. Gareth finished his way before you had so he kept trying to steal yours. "Stop doing that" you pushed him away from you again. "But I want the ice cream y/nnnnnnnnnnnn" "You had your ice cream leave mine alone" "But I want more" "You sound like a 4 year old" you started to laugh as he started pouting. "Here" you said handing him your ice cream. "Y/n I was joking around you don't actually have to give me this" "First of all you would have pouted for the rest of the day and second my stomach is kind of upset now so I don't want it anymore" he smiled at you and started to eat the ice cream. 'He's to cute' you thought to yourself. Once you finally reached the arcade it was already 4 in the afternoon. "What do you want to play first?" He asked. After a few hours of gaming and laughing at everything you decided to head home. You both started the walk home. Halfway through the walk it started pouring down rain. "Shit." Gareth yelled out. He grabbed your hand and started sprinting down the road. He stopped about 10 minutes from your houses. "Why'd we stop." You yelled over the rain. "I need to tell you something." Gareth spoke. "Ok? Couldn't it wait til we get back to one of our houses?" "No it couldn't." He turned his body towards you. "Listen y/n, I know we haven't known each other that long but I really like you you're so funny and caring, you know how to care for others even though you don't like socializing, and you are the most attractive person I have ever met." He liked you, you couldn't believe it. "I understand if you don't like me back I know I don't have a lot to offer, and I know that I'm not that attracti-" you cut him off to a peck to the lips. "Did you just kiss me?" He asked. " Yes I did because I like you to Gareth." "Really??" "Really." He picked you up and spun you around. He put you back down on the ground. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. You nodded. He put his hands on the sides of your face and pulling you into a gentle kiss. After a few seconds he pulled away. "You're staying at my house tonight y/n" "First I want to change second I want to get clothes for tomorrow and my bookbag then tell my parents." "Alright sweetheart " he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you finished the walk home. You walk through the front door Gareth right behind you. "Mom, dad I'm home." You yelled out. "Hey honey, oh hello Gareth, why are you guys soaked?" "It's raining mom, also I'm staying a Gareth's tonight." "Alright sweetheart have fun" you changed quickly and packed some things for Gareth's. You walked downstairs and grabbed an umbrella on the way out the door. Once you got inside you both made your way up to his room he grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change. He came back a laid on his bed. He opened he arms and you crawled into them. "This is the best hangout ever." He spoke as you slowly drifted to sleep.

I want to thank all of you that are reading and thank you for the support<3~max

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