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"What do you mean we have no icecream left in this house?" I yelled at my brother Chan.

"If you really want icecream go get some from the shop" He said.

I took some money, grabbed my keys and left to the shop.

When I arrived I saw that it was empty.Maybe because it was almost 10 pm.I went to the icecream area and saw that there wasn't anything.I looked to see if there was an employee around to see if they had icecream at the back of the shop.There wasn't anyone there.

I went to the cashier and saw one boy drinking a red slushy.I walked to him and asked if they had icecream.

"I'm sorry but we don't have that right now" He said.

"Really? What do you mean you don't have? Do you want me to check?" I said angrily.

"Yeah you can check why would I lie" He took a sip from his drink.

I looked around the shop to search for something else.I took some cookies and chocolate.After a few minutes I left the shop and went to my house.When I arrived I saw Chan sleeping on the couch.I walked in the kitchen and put in the fridge what i bought and then I went to my bedroom.

The next day, my mom woke me up to go for shopping because in a few days school is starting.After a few hours I arrived at the mall.We went to a mini shop that had school things.I lost many pens last year and this shop was perfect.While my mom was buying me some things I saw one of my friends enter the shop.

"Hey y/n! Are you buying again pens so I can steal them from you?"

"Yeah Hyunjin but this year you won't" I said.

He started to look for notebooks and pencils.Sadly I left the shop because my mom wanted to look for something for the house.After a few hours I arrived home and spent the rest of the day in my room doing nothing.

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